Problem joing the thieves guild

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:47 pm

I got the invite to join the thieves guild awhile back and decided to wait until i had completed the current quest line i was playing through. Now when i go to the garden at midnight for my recruitment test that stupid Argonian won't show up. I went looking for him and found him locked in the leyawin dungeons and even if i open the outer door to the dungeon all he does is pace back and forth, to make matters worse i used a ~cheat called place npc at me or something like that thinking it would teleport the dumb argonian to me and it did but it also made a copy of him. so now there are two argonians wandering around the back end of the leyawin dungeon and they won't leave. I created the highest level Chameleon spell possible to cast on him and he still won't even attempt to walk past the guard. I also created the highest level command humanoid spell available and recast it continuously all the way to the waterfront but as soon as it runs out that goddamned liazrd walks, well sneaks, all the way back to the dungeon. I'm a novice when it comes to using the construction set ans scripting so any help would be appreciated. I have over 500 hrs of game play and all but one of my major skills are maxed out. I'm level 48 and I've completed all of the main quest, the faction quests, the misc quest, the wilderness quests, the vampire quest line, all the DLC, and all the Si's main quest and misc quests. The Thieves guild quest line is my last little bit of adventuring in Cyrodiil and i really want to get it done without having to go back a few hundred days to do it. I checked I'd have to do SI all over again and not only that but i spent hrs in all the houses i own and the abandoned castle (Crowhaven) i took over to make everything just right by arranging weapons and books ect to my liking. Hell i must have spent hours stacking books in Frostcrag Spire, Rosethorn Manor, And Benirus Manor alone. not to mention the home of the Crimson scars. Basically it would take me days if not weeks to go through all that again and if there is anyway i can get around it i would be greatly appreciative, Sorry for any grammatical errors its pretty late where i am.

Thanks alot everyone

Magnus Fistandantilus aka Infection aka The Infectious Agent.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:26 pm

A serious bug involving Amusei can prevent you from ever joining the Thieves Guild and destroy the entire questline. If you visit Castle Leyawiin and pick the lock of the last cell in the Dungeon before having joined the Guild, Amusei will relocate to the dungeon and be forever stuck, preventing you from starting the May the Best Thief Win quest. If you pick the lock later on (e.g if you feel sorry for him during Ahdarji's Heirloom), the bug will not destroy the questline but will ruin Amusei’s entire schedule, as he will travel back to the dungeon in sneak mode every time he finishes his involvement in the many quests, at times causing problems when he is supposed to deliver messages from the Gray Fox. The reason behind this is that Amusei's script relocates him to the prison when the door is unlocked without checking to see if the player has started or finished Ahdarji's Heirloom.

Got that from

Is that what you did?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:07 am

I joined in a completely different way. I read a poster on one of the walls in the Imperial City. I talked to a couple of beggars about it. The second one, I got his disposition high enough that he told me about the Gardens of Dareloth. I proceeded to the garden. Done.

Or, get yourself thrown in jail, then go talk to some beggars. Done.

Perhaps try one of these two methods first. The only caveat: If you go to jail, some skills will randomly decrease, by a lot, if you are at level 48. So carefully save before going to jail.

EDIT: I don't know about the bug described in the post before me. Sounds like you would have to reload a previous save if you fiddled with the lock to his cell.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:44 pm

You could try locking his cell door again by selecting it in the console and using the "lock 40" command, then go somewhere like a dungeon and wait for 3 days.

Should set him right.

PlaceAtMe is almost never the right console command to use. get rid of the Amusei that you created by disableing it in the console (it will be the one whose refid in the console is not 000034A7, IIRC the one you created should have a refid starting with FF)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 pm

A serious bug involving Amusei can prevent you from ever joining the Thieves Guild and destroy the entire questline. If you visit Castle Leyawiin and pick the lock of the last cell in the Dungeon before having joined the Guild, Amusei will relocate to the dungeon and be forever stuck, preventing you from starting the May the Best Thief Win quest. If you pick the lock later on (e.g if you feel sorry for him during Ahdarji's Heirloom), the bug will not destroy the questline but will ruin Amusei’s entire schedule, as he will travel back to the dungeon in sneak mode every time he finishes his involvement in the many quests, at times causing problems when he is supposed to deliver messages from the Gray Fox. The reason behind this is that Amusei's script relocates him to the prison when the door is unlocked without checking to see if the player has started or finished Ahdarji's Heirloom.

Got that from

Is that what you did?

I might have its been such a long time i can't remember. Basically he just paces back and forth behind the door the guard has to unlock to visit prisoners. The one I duplicated with the cheat paces back and forth right outside the same door but won't go anywhere else. So yeah because he's not present I can't run the quest to steal the diary "May the Best Thief Win" and it messing everything up. I knew there are many problems with his schedule in delivering messages to the PC but this just svcks,
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 pm

A serious bug involving Amusei can prevent you from ever joining the Thieves Guild and destroy the entire questline. If you visit Castle Leyawiin and pick the lock of the last cell in the Dungeon before having joined the Guild, Amusei will relocate to the dungeon and be forever stuck, preventing you from starting the May the Best Thief Win quest. If you pick the lock later on (e.g if you feel sorry for him during Ahdarji's Heirloom), the bug will not destroy the questline but will ruin Amusei’s entire schedule, as he will travel back to the dungeon in sneak mode every time he finishes his involvement in the many quests, at times causing problems when he is supposed to deliver messages from the Gray Fox. The reason behind this is that Amusei's script relocates him to the prison when the door is unlocked without checking to see if the player has started or finished Ahdarji's Heirloom.

Got that from

Is that what you did?

I might have its been such a long time i can't remember. Basically he just paces back and forth behind the door the guard has to unlock to visit prisoners. The one I duplicated with the cheat paces back and forth right outside the same door but won't go anywhere else. So yeah because he's not present I can't run the quest to steal the diary "May the Best Thief Win" and it messing everything up. I knew there are many problems with his schedule in delivering messages to the PC but this just svcks,
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Abi Emily
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:15 am

I joined in a completely different way. I read a poster on one of the walls in the Imperial City. I talked to a couple of beggars about it. The second one, I got his disposition high enough that he told me about the Gardens of Dareloth. I proceeded to the garden. Done.

Or, get yourself thrown in jail, then go talk to some beggars. Done.

Perhaps try one of these two methods first. The only caveat: If you go to jail, some skills will randomly decrease, by a lot, if you are at level 48. So carefully save before going to jail.

EDIT: I don't know about the bug described in the post before me. Sounds like you would have to reload a previous save if you fiddled with the lock to his cell.

I tried that way also but u still have to run the "May the best thief win" quest and the lizard ain't there Armand won't let the quest begin.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 pm

You could try locking his cell door again by selecting it in the console and using the "lock 40" command, then go somewhere like a dungeon and wait for 3 days.

Should set him right.

PlaceAtMe is almost never the right console command to use. get rid of the Amusei that you created by disableing it in the console (it will be the one whose refid in the console is not 000034A7, IIRC the one you created should have a refid starting with FF)

Okay so if i use a command humanoid spell to lure him back in his cell and the enter the console click the prison cell door and type lock 40 and he will be locked inside am i getting this right? THEN i individually highlight each one in the console and figure out which one is the duplicate and then what? This is where im lost. After i determine which is which how to i undo what i did? I'm sorry that my console knowledge is weak the most i use it for is tgm and tcl. Any help would be greatly extremely appreciated.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 pm

Okay so if i use a command humanoid spell to lure him back in his cell and the enter the console click the prison cell door and type lock 40 and he will be locked inside am i getting this right? THEN i individually highlight each one in the console and figure out which one is the duplicate and then what? This is where im lost. After i determine which is which how to i undo what i did? I'm sorry that my console knowledge is weak the most i use it for is tgm and tcl. Any help would be greatly extremely appreciated.

Okay I tried that and it didn't work. I disabled the Amusei i duplicated and locked the other one in jail and he just got out again and stays in the same place, right inside the door to the leyawin dungeon. I even tried disabling the original amusei and then re-enabling him and that didn't work either. when i enabled him it listed a ton of variables and one of them was InJail (0.0) and Amusei picks travel. There was also get stage and a few other script points i guess you could call them but they all had the value of zero. You think if i disabled Amuesi and saved my game and then replaced him with the construction set it might work?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 pm

Have you tried the first?

It fixes this bug but I am not sure whether the fix is retroactive or preventative.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:31 pm

Have you tried the first?

It fixes this bug but I am not sure whether the fix is retroactive or preventative.

I fixed it myself actually. Your suggestions worked! Once i locked his prison cell in Leyawin and then cast and recast my custom command humanoid spell all the way to the waterfront Armard recognized /acknowledged him and May the best thief win started right up. I can't thank you and everyone else enough for there helpful suggestions. This is my 3rd play through and I finally got everything exactly the way i want it and the Thieves Guild problem was the only thing holding me back. Thanks Again!
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