Best series EVER

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 pm

I realy hope bethesda reads this stuff, and if you are areading it right now then thanx. I love all your games, and found Fallout to be awesome. The thing id like to talk to you about though is the next Elder Scrolls. That series is amazing! I dont know how long Oblivion's been out but i still play it to date! Even with its age and all the other games out there, i just cant resist the mgaic oblivion had brought. Who doesnt enjoy the sensation of their knight riding through Cyrodil on his horse, stopping in some lush forest, and seeing the Imperial City far off in the distance? Just the experience of Medieval times mixed with magic and mythical creatures (of which you should have more) stirs most people's deepest imaginations. You guys at Bethesda ( and Zenimax) are sooo good at creating sensational games, and especialy Elder Scrolls. I hope, and all the millions of die-hard fans too, that another Elder Scrolls comes out soon. My personal feeling is that making Elder Scrolls into an MMO would ruin it. Plus i dont think it would work well over Xbox Live or PSN..... The formula for Oblivion was great. Just add some design concepts you learned from Fallout and make a new one! Theres soo much i could say about how i loved Morrowind and Oblivion, and about the things id love to see in the next one. I dont understad why it has been so long since a new Elder Scrolls has come out Please grant all our wishes and make another beloved Elder Scrolls.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:05 pm

I realy hope bethesda reads this stuff, and if you are areading it right now then thanx. I love all your games, and found Fallout to be awesome. The thing id like to talk to you about though is the next Elder Scrolls. That series is amazing! I dont know how long Oblivion's been out but i still play it to date! Even with its age and all the other games out there, i just cant resist the mgaic oblivion had brought. Who doesnt enjoy the sensation of their knight riding through Cyrodil on his horse, stopping in some lush forest, and seeing the Imperial City far off in the distance? Just the experience of Medieval times mixed with magic and mythical creatures (of which you should have more) stirs most people's deepest imaginations. You guys at Bethesda ( and Zenimax) are sooo good at creating sensational games, and especialy Elder Scrolls. I hope, and all the millions of die-hard fans too, that another Elder Scrolls comes out soon. My personal feeling is that making Elder Scrolls into an MMO would ruin it. Plus i dont think it would work well over Xbox Live or PSN..... The formula for Oblivion was great. Just add some design concepts you learned from Fallout and make a new one! Theres soo much i could say about how i loved Morrowind and Oblivion, and about the things id love to see in the next one. I dont understad why it has been so long since a new Elder Scrolls has come out Please grant all our wishes and make another beloved Elder Scrolls.

There is already a topic about this i think. no need to make another.
Welcome to the forums.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:49 pm

Indeed there is. It's right
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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