The next day I figured it couldn't hrut to try again, so I did. This time, I got to the character creation screen, only to see the text was all screwed up. I thought this was due to an addon so I decided to uninstall the game to get rid of them, see if it worked then, and then add the mods until one didn't work. So, I tried to uninstall, however an error came up. Forums that came up in google said to use a program to uninstall it called revouninstaller. I did that, and got it to uninstall. I reinstalled, however the data folder still had the addon screw ups. I decided to ignore it, and reinstall them the right way, which I had found after I reread how to.
So I reinstall everything and go to play my character that I haven't played in months, and it stalls on the loading screen, bar not moving, but game not crashing to desktop. Eventually, I had to shut down computer to get out of there. When I rebooted and tried again, I had the same problem as before: black screen, then crash to desktop after launcher. So, my thought was completely uninstalling, reinstalling everything, and then adding mods the right way to a clean data folder, but when I tried that before, the data folder wasn't clean, it including all the mods.
So, my questions are: Do you think my idea would work, and if not, what would you suggest? If it would work, how do I go about getting a clean data folder? What files in there come in game, and what do I need to delete? Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can offer.