Bugs so far:
World -
A bug that's probably in the engine, since FO3 had/has the same issues, and that's mobs randomly getting stuck in the environment (especially creatures like Radscorpions)
Ok, noticed some and remembered the locations (kinda) -
Bark Scorpion just outside of the First town stuck in the ground face down.
Powder Ganger near Jeans Sky Diving stuck in the hard rock gap leading to the "bloatfly pit" as i like to call it.
Radscorp and Giant Radscorp just north of the starting town, face down/stinger up in the ground but still able to move (maybe northeast?)
Primm roller coaster stretching into infinity. (will upload screenshot soon)
Enemies getting stuck in walls (noticed this while my GF was playing)
Mini games -
Caravan: During deck selection, the cards just randomly keep jumping from side to side, making it very hard to see what cards are selected.
Caravan: During the game, i noticed i can never set a card, i only get the option to discard. I've been looking around the web to see if i am doing anything wrong, but i'm not, apparently.
Combat -
During Combat, the Pipboy often refuses to open, causing death by poison when it should not. (especially annoying if you've got like 20 anti-venoms with you, but simply cannot use them..)
Guns refusing to fire (even at perfect condition)
Shotguns missing at near point blank range (I asked my GF if she would ever miss a shot IRL with a shotgun 2cm from someone's face.. even she said no.. sooo..)
Game loading-
Game not correctly reverting back to the previous save (i lost a lot of ammo thanks to this. -.-')
I'll probably be adding bugs as i encounter them (and try to remember where i encounter them.)