Realistic Leveling

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 pm

UGH, well I still havent installed any other mods yet because I installed Realistic Leveling first USING OMOD ver on OBMM to see if it would work before I add anything but it still wont work. I gain attributes as my skill increases, but I do not level up. I installed darnified to check the leveling bar and it is still stuck at 0%. So all these past two pages about getting RL to work, and it turns out its not another mod issue as all I have is what came installed on oblivion, and the unofficial patches and that is it aside from RL and then the UI. I guess I will have to take this back to the RL forum, although I dont believe they ever replied to my last post there. :(
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 pm

This is really strange because RL just keeps working perfectly for me. Have a look at my RL.ini, maybe there is something in it that is missing from yours. Note I have level up still set with sleeping (option 4 at the start).

; RealisticLeveling.ini; =====================;; Version: 1.12; Author: Donovan Baarda (; Home: [src=""][/url]; RealisticLeveling Settings; --------------------------;; Set the RealisticLeveling operating mode. The possible values are;; 0 = do nothing, just calculate values for debugging.; 1 = attributes only, use vanilla major skill count style leveling.; 2 = silent levelup, levelup silently with no notification.; 3 = verbose levelup, levelups will show the levelup menu.; 4 = sleep levelup, levelup after being notified by sleeping.set aaRealisticLeveling.mode to 4		; default = 3; Set max level an attributes reached when all skills have reached 100. These; affect how far and fast your level and attributes advance. If you are using; a skill uncapper that allows skills to exceed 100, then your level and; attributes will also exceed these values.set aaRealisticLeveling.levelMax to 65		; default = 65set aaRealisticLeveling.attrMax to 100		; default = 100; Set luck advancement rate multiplier. This affects how far and fast your luck; advances. Your total luck advances are calculated as;; luckMult * sqrt(level^2 + fame^2 + infamy^2)set aaRealisticLeveling.luckMult to 0.2000	; default = 0.2; Set the wheel primary, secondary, and tertiary related skill contributions.; Small values mean less contributions from those skills, and they should all; add up to 1.0. To turn off related attribute advancement set these to; 1.0/0.0/0.0.set aaRealisticLeveling.WheelMult1 to 0.6667	; default = 0.6667set aaRealisticLeveling.WheelMult2 to 0.2222	; default = 0.2222set aaRealisticLeveling.WheelMult3 to 0.1111	; default = 0.1111; Set the experience skill curve exponent. This is used to calculate how much ; experience was required to reach a particular skill level. It should be set; to fSkillUseExp+1 for attributes and levels to advance accurately based on; total skill experience. Setting this lower will mean your level and; attributes will advance slightly faster if you generalise. Setting this; higher will mean your level and attributes advance faster if you specialise.set aaRealisticLeveling.expPow to 2.5		; default = 2.5; Game Settings; -------------;; If you use other mods like Progress that also change these settings, make; sure they set them to the right values. You can comment out these settings; if you prefer to use another mod to manage any of these settings.; Set the major skill advances required per level for vanilla leveling. In; modes 2, 3, and 4 this setting will be forced to 100 to make the levelup; progress meter show progress with 1% resolution. If you want to use vanilla; leveling together with RealisticLeveling for advancing attributes, set the; mode to 1, set this to 10, and read the ReadMe for details on how to reset; your major skill advance count.;setGS iLevelUpSkillCount 10; Set how many times you can train per level. You can set this to something; lower if you prefer some sort of limit.setGS iTrainingSkills 10		; default = 5; Optional Settings; -----------------;; These following settings can be used to provide basic adjustments to how; health and skills advance. They are not set by default to allow other mods; to adjust health and skill advancement.; Set how much base health you have. The baseHealth part of total health will; change in response to endurance fortify/drain effects. Increasing either of; these settings will increase your starting health.; baseHealth = endurance * fPCBaseHealthMult * fStatsHealthStartMult;setGS fPCBaseHealthMult 2.0;setGS fStatsHealthStartMult 1.0; Set how much extra health you gain each level. This will not change for; endurance fortify/drain effects, and will be calculated from your average; endurance since you started. Increasing this will increase how much your; health goes up each level.; levelHealth = fStatsHealthLevelMult*(level - 1)*(baseEndurance + endurance)/2;setGS fStatsHealthLevelMult 0.1; Set how the skill progression rate slows down as skills get higher. The; experience required to advance a skill is proportional to skill^fSkillUseExp.; Larger values mean higher skills will advance more slowly. ;setGS fSkillUseExp 1.5; Set the overall skill progression rate. The progression rate is proportional; to fSkillUseFactor^fSkillUseExp. Larger values mean skills will advance; slower. For the default fSkillUseExp=1.5, the slowdown factors are;; 1x = 0.35, 2x = 0.56, 3x = 0.73, 4x = 0.88, 5x = 1.02, 10x = 1.62;setGS fSkillUseFactor 0.35; Set the major/minor/specialty skill experience multipliers. The experience; required to advance a skill is multiplied by the relevant settings. Larger; values mean relevant skills will advance slower.;setGS fSkillUseMajorMult	0.75;setGS fSkillUseMinorMult	1.25;setGS fSkillUseSpecMult	0.75; Set the training cost multiplier. The base gold cost to train a skill is; skill*TrainingCostMult. Larger values mean training costs more.;setGS fTrainingCostMult	10.0

Let me know if you discover anything in there that helps you. :icecream:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:40 pm

thanks for posting that up, I checked em both in notepad and compared and they seem identical so i guess at least that takes out an incorrect ini setting as a possibility. i actually bumped ABO's thread since I posted there about this last week and never got a response there. (after many people told me to go there for help)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

EDIT: I just saw that you got a few sensible new replies in ABO's thread, so some of my writing is redundant. Anyway, I let it stay in case you still get it not working.


Another quick idea: You say the leveling bar is stuck at zero. But using the skills, like throwing a Light spell or Healing spell for 30 times or conjuration spell... does your experience advance in that skill? Maybe your skill does increase, but only the bloody bottom bar is stuck at zero? Or are the individual skill bars (for like Illusion) also stuck at zero?

Now if this is also yields no result... then I think we do have a problem...

I know you have reinstalled or at least deactivated and re-enabled your mods about 50 times by now and are probably sick and tired of it. But have you done the ultimate test: Uninstall and erase / delete your present Oblivion folders alltogether and re-install only the base game, with at maximum only SI in addition because of the 1.2.416 patch (if you have GOTY edition for example). So no other DLC contents, no extra textures, no sixy bodies, no user interface, even no Darnified, no hotkeys, no Bashed Patch, NO NOTHING OF ANYTHING. Vanilla, vanilla, vanilla only! Kick out all the OBSE plugins and OSR, Streamline and everything. Only retain the new OBSE v18 beta 6. I'm using it, it's working fine with RL.

Then install UOP and 3.2.4 hotfix (and possibly the USIP). I just x-ed out OOO.esm for now. Then only add RL as the only "real" mod. So your modlist should be only 5 entries long. Then fire up a new game, create a new character, do the tutoria dungeon. Then RL MUST work. It cannot BUT work. Yeah I know I sound silly. But if it would not, really, you'd be the only person in all Tamriel. :lol:

It's obviously the most radical thing to do, so you dislike it, and I fully understand. But think of this: The fact that RL is just not working raises my suspicion that there MUST be some defect SOMEWHERE with your installation elsewhere. Now I'm not God, so I can't be sure. BUT... for I dare say most people including myself, that bloody RL was working even when added to an ongoing game with some mods already present.

So with a clear mind and possibly some days of distance, I'd go again at the problem starting really from below-zero as I have outlined. I'm sorry that your patience is tested so much with this. But again, the fact that RL is just not working is - in my mind - actually a pretty troubling sign with regard to your whole Oblivion installation. You remember Mr. Spock and his irrefutable logic? This is how I feel about it by now. I mean you have the problem like for a week now which is getting ridiculous. You don't want to build a Space Shuttle, it's only RL!! Please do understand that I'm not bashing you or questioning you in any way! I actually feel pretty bad because I fear I am speaking "the inconvenient truth"... so please forgive me. :foodndrink:
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