Because there are perfectly capable scoped weapons out there that don't have a 5x critical multiplier. Hunting Rifle, Trail Carbine and AMR springs to mind here with the first two able to one-shot kill full grown deathclaws with precise shot placement.
Also, sneak attacks are 100% guaranteed even when using a weapon with a 0x critical chance multiplier. The first round sent downrange should be the killing round.
Actually, if I understand it correctly, critical chance and sneak attack criticals are seperate things.
Critical chance is the chance you will do a certain amount of bonus damage, depending on the weapon, which isn't displayed in the guns description in game (check out the Fallout Wikia site for more details). Most weapon's critical damage is the same as the weapon's base damage so you'll do double damage but there are some exceptions. The Anti-Material Rfile does 110 base dmage (fully repaired/100 Guns skill) but only does 80 extra damage on a critical hit. The Abilene Kid LE BB rifle does 4 damage and 70 critical damage.
The Sneak Attack Critical then takes the combined damage from the base damage and any critical damage and mulltiplies it by two. This means a weapon with a x0 Critical Chance Multiplier will still get a boost to it's base damage but misses out on the critical chance damage bonus.
For example the Sniper Rifle will do 62 base and 62 critical damage for 124. Add a sneak attack critical and it becomes 248 damage. A Sawed off Shot gun with a theoretical 100 base damage and 0 chance for a critcal bonus will only do 200 damage on a sneak attack critical.