1. In Morrowind the graphics were very pore, but i felt that they had a bigger weapon variety and armor skill variety than Oblivion. So a caster could level quicker because they had a Major skill of Unarmored. This for me brought a more diverse point between characters and who everyone was in Morrowind.
2. The conjuration itself was awesome. As many summons as you wanted, but it did have an Over powering point. Also the summons weren't easy to find in Morrowind like they were in Oblivion.
3. Oblivion introduced fast travel, some say its good, others its bad. My opinion is implement it, if you don't like it then simply don't use it.
4. Graphics spiraled up in Oblivion, i would surely like to see Skyrims graphics be just as good, if not the best.
Those are the ones i can think off the top of my head. What about you? :flamethrower: