Should basic heal be removed from the start?

Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:31 pm

Since we all start out as equal characters because there's no major/minor skill system, it wouldn't really be feasible to do this.

What I would like to see however is that the weakest healing spell heals very slowly over time. So instead of being able to spam restore health 10 pts spells constantly until your health is full, the weakest healing spell could be restore health 1 pt for 10 seconds.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:46 pm

no way cuz I want to make a big nord with two axes but I want to be able to heal myself to. if you don't like using magic spells you can just not do it.

  • Use potions.
  • Buy the Spell.

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Lilit Ager
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Post » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:23 am

Why would this "pure" warrior know these spells to begin with?

Spells, in TES, are done with chanting and finger-wiggling. Why take the time to learn all that when you can simply bash things with heavy stuff?

Yes, my thoughts exactly. In theory, if you have to resort to healing magic as a barbarian or whatever, you are not a very good barbarian. Spellsword, maybe... I thought the Morrowind system was just fine: if you choose a magic school as a major/minor skill, you get a low level magic of that school. The problem for Skyrim would then of course be that there are no classes... Maybe you choose a perk (for example destruction) in the beginning of the game?
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:59 pm

I'm not 100% sure exactly how this is going to work, but I would think that the higher the level in (Magic School) the more spells to do with it will be added to your beginer spellbook.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:26 pm

Why would this "pure" warrior know these spells to begin with?

Spells, in TES, are done with chanting and finger-wiggling. Why take the time to learn all that when you can simply bash things with heavy stuff?

And who decided that a Warrior that knows a minor spell isn't a warrior anymore?

Are you trying to follow the D&D argument again?

If you want to play D&D, play D&D. TES Mages and Warriors don't follow D&D rules, the same way they have different Elves and Dwarves. Unless you want mages to only able to cast one spell of each kind per day and had to re-memorise spells after each cast?
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des lynam
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Post » Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:32 am

And who decided that a Warrior that knows a minor spell isn't a warrior anymore?

Are you trying to follow the D&D argument again?

If you want to play D&D, play D&D. TES Mages and Warriors don't follow D&D rules, the same way they have different Elves and Dwarves. Unless you want mages to only able to cast one spell of each kind per day and had to re-memorise spells after each cast?

Totally irrelevant IMO
The question is why a character who has not learnt anything about magic and just has the base skill should start with spells
I expect that like in previous TES games I won't play "pure" characters but I see no reason why others shouldn't be given the option to develop their characters as they choose, something that isn't possible if like Oblivion (and unlike the other TES games) you start with spells
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:13 pm

And who decided that a Warrior that knows a minor spell isn't a warrior anymore?

Well, considering this guy was talking about a "pure" warrior...

I honestly don't care about mixing together the different architypes. In fact, I LIKE it. My favourite class in Morrowind was the stealth/magic Scout class. But I don't want to be forced to do so every game. What if I'm a Redguard who hates magic? Or a Nordic Barbarian that thinks magic is for wimps?

Why can we not simply buy these things when we first start? And like I said, what's wrong with starting with a few spells if you give your character a few points in a magic school, instead of every damn pc?

Are you trying to follow the D&D argument again?

I said something about D&D anywhere in this thread?
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Bee Baby
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:08 pm

Well as you level up as a warrior you're gonna gain more health and the basic healing spells won't even touch your health bar when casted, so just don't learn any new healing spells if you don't wanna be tempted.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:18 pm

I said something about D&D anywhere in this thread?

The arguments earlier that Magic should somehow be more exclusive and rare, that Barbarians need to be completely incapable of magic, and the idea that being a "pure" warrior needs to not have a single spell at all, is D&D all the way. It was D&D that populated all that, even though TES follows different rules. And now people are trying to force a round peg down a square hole, whether they realise they are arguing about D&D or not.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:00 pm

The arguments earlier that Magic should somehow be more exclusive and rare, that Barbarians need to be completely incapable of magic, and the idea that being a "pure" warrior needs to not have a single spell at all, is D&D all the way. It was D&D that populated all that, even though TES follows different rules. And now people are trying to force a round peg down a square hole, whether they realise they are arguing about D&D or not.

Well, considering that the class in OB and I suspect MW as well have not one skill as a major that has to do with magic it can be not far of a stretch to say that barbarians don't use magic or that they are at least less likely to use magic than a spellsword (but nothing stops a player who makes a "barbarian" from using any spells they deem fit for their character like a barbarian shaman that I made in OB). No one is saying that barbarians or other "pure" warrior types should be unable to use magic. Just that they should not start out with any spells.

I think giving the player the opportunity to learn some starter spells if they want in the tutorial or get some starting gear in the tutorial would work just fine.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:52 pm

Pro and contra both have points
maybe compromise somewhere in the middle

give character basic healing spell, but rework magicka regeneration
For example
if you magicka level is 1-20, your magicka do not regenerate at all (can be restored only by potions)
lvl 21-40, it regenerates only when resting/sleeping
lvl 41-60: 1 p/sec
lvl 61-80: 3 p/sec
lvl 81-100: 5 p/sec
(for those who like to boost stats with items, potions and spells)
101-120: 6p/sec
121-140: 7p/sec
and so on

So if you are pure warrior than intelligence/magicka is last stat you will increase, so no mana regeneration for you
that mean, that casting this basic healing spell few times will deplete your mana pool ending your career as sorcerer
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Steve Bates
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Post » Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:55 am

I think the OP has a point.

If I choose a mage then by all means give me a healing spell.

but giving a pure warrior a healing spell cheapens the idea of magicka in TES universe.

it implies any old joe, even the beggers can conjour magic as easily as breathing air, which it shouldnt be.

Same goes for fireball spell.. if everyone in Tamriel can shoot fire from their hands then why use torches?

Pretty much this.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:27 pm

The arguments earlier that Magic should somehow be more exclusive and rare, that Barbarians need to be completely incapable of magic, and the idea that being a "pure" warrior needs to not have a single spell at all, is D&D all the way. It was D&D that populated all that, even though TES follows different rules. And now people are trying to force a round peg down a square hole, whether they realise they are arguing about D&D or not.

WEll by this logic, I'm actually using the "TES" argument. All through the series, I'll start with no spells unless I chose relevant skills, until Oblivion.
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