I've reshaped an upper body clothing mesh to fit a new upper body mesh. The clothing is the type that also needs the body to be visible. It looked invisible in CS, so I joined the two meshes hoping that will fix the problem. I don't think I need to redo the upper skellies since that is already part of the body mesh. Also, the textures should already be in place since I'm converting existing ones. Since joining the two meshes, the nif exporter failed saying some parts have no weight painting and it highlighted the lower part of the clothing. The trouble is, I thought weight painting was meant for the bones and not the clothes.
I'm really confused now, can anyone help?
I just remembered that the original upper body clothing mesh I reshaped came with a full skellington or at least the legs added. Perhaps that's the missing weight paint since the clothing mesh overhangs the legs, even though the slot is set for upper body. So it looks like I need to find a way to attach a new bone set to the new combined upper body & clothing mesh. But wouldn't this clash with bones attached to any other lower body items the NPC will wear?
Still confused.
I imported the skellington.nif to replace the armature belonging to the upperbody mesh and the original clothing mesh. The import settings included Import Skeleton + Parent Selected & Realign bone tail Only on. I shift-selected the upperbody body+ upper clothes + skelington and then Ctrl-P to parent to the armature (no groups). The upperbody and clothing were not merged unlike above but the parenting box did appear twice for that reason. Not sure if that is wrong or not. Anyway, each time I put it together in CS, it now crashes.
Confused and pulling bricks out of walls. Need urgent assistance!