You just said Blizzard is a good example of a developer listening to their community. I'm merely pointing out that it's not as black and white as you portrayed. Yes, they listened to their community, and in the end we have a product that went from mildly difficult (to put it loosely) to mind-numbingly easy.
Listening to the community is not always a good thing. Gamers are a fickle bunch, and prove time and again they don't really know what they want.
You totally havent understood me lol.
Yes I said Blizzard is a good example of a company that APPEARED to listen to its fan community in a more thorough fashion than Bethesda does. I never said they actually do; nor did I say that always listening to the community is a good thing.
As I said I was and am playing devils advocate a bit here.
As it is I actually dont agree with you that Blizz "over listened" to their fans and created in WoW a boring and mind numbingly easy game. I dont think its as bad as you feel it is; I mean it could be worse it could be Fable 3. Now theres a game that got simplified into stupidity.
I am more tired of WoW because its a 10 year old game that is so dated and boring looking and feeling now. It should have been laid to rest after Burning Crusade and the company moved onto other things. But the company seems to want to drag it out for as long as they can get away with.
Needless to say I wont buy cataclysm for a long time yet - if ever.