We are talking about things that do not have a large amount of value to us. At all. BECAUSE WE ARE RICH!
If we lived in a place such as the Middle Ages, or in some village in Africa, the majority of people would value "cups" and "forks" and everything else we consider worthless as the opposite. Why? Because back then you couldn't just go to a Wal-mart to get whatever you want. There was no advanced method of creating things. You had to go to potter! Yea, it was not worth much money, potters did not make much, but do you think they had worth? They did, because the value is just in one's perspective. I mean, that is why there should be a more intricate monatery system, with copper and silver and such. Pots would be worth not gold, but not nothing. It would be some copper or some silver. Forks would be a few copper for sure, I would think.
bah. what my point is: Everything has value, even if you don't think so. And this is Skyrim we are talking about, where there is probably not a very orderly economy. So I would think things have a bit more value in the region anyway.