Another way to get 2000 caps fairly quickly. The Atomic Wrangler is in Freeside, not on the Strip proper. I think one can make 5000 there gambling before one breaks the bank and is banned from playing. So, win 5000 caps. I'd suggest Blackjack as an aside for the game to play.
play blackjack at Atomic Wrangler and before you get to the ban limit (5k caps), switch to slot machines, which have 80:1 payout for three graqes and 160:1 payout for three oranges. If your luck is high, you have a good chance to get one of those two
if you get three oranges in slots you can win 32,000 caps (plus whatever you have left from your blackjack winnings) at the Atomic Wrangler before being banned. Three graqes pays out 16,000 caps.