I've been playing New Vegas on Very Hard w/ hardcoe, and since I found myself drinking water a lot I thought Lead Belly would be a good perk to get. A while later (after I saved) I ran into an irradiated water source and to my surprise it still gave off the default 5 rads per second. I even tried it and checked directly in the Pip-Boy how much my radiation went up and sure enough my rads went up by 5. Since then I've looked around and every irradiated water source is the same way, so it isn't just that specific sink. Has anybody else had this problem? I know most people don't touch this perk, but I did and now I'm seriously pissed since I could've gotten something else like Shotgun Surgeon but now am stuck with a perk that doesn't even work. F*CKING FIX THIS SH*T OBSIDIAN!
I've never had this problem, and to be honest, if you'r resorting to drinking Rad Water, you're obviously not looking for pure water. *cough* Colorado River *cough*