Hilarious, WTF, ok..., uh... moments, Possible spoilers

Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:49 pm

Getting melted into a pile of green goo by the Van Graffs! :swear:
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:17 am

The first time Veronica punched someone's arm off. I mean... an arm. With a punch.

Also, after Veronica bugged out and wouldn't take the formal wear from me, I decided to test whether a basic Ultra-Luxe gown would work. I had just started pumping unarmed near the end of the game, so I put on Love & Hate, snuck up behind the nearest roulette dealer, and thumped her, ready to loot and run.

Surprise #1: I punched her leg off. You might think I would find this less shocking after the above anecdote, but that was Veronica with her super-fist. I just had some really nice spiked knuckles.

Surprise #2: No one noticed. Including the people at her table.

I collected my murderously-obtained goods and whistled my way out of the casino, stunned beyond speech.
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:41 am

Coming out of the the Hoover Dam Visitor's Center, ready to take on Caesar's Legion and Legate Lanius, then hearing the distinctive BBBZzzrTT of a stealthboy just before being asked if I was interested in buying wind-brahmin from a nightkin. Absolutely priceless.
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:47 am

I know it has to do with skill points, but does it really make sense to take off a significant amount of damage because I'm not super adept at using explosives? if I can shoot it and it hits someone and it explodes, I don't think I should be penalized for not investing a bunch of points into it. maybe an accuracy penalty, maybe increased risk of jams, i dont know, but i dont think taking off large amounts of damage is the answer.

I have never used a frag grenade or any sort of high explosive, but I guarantee that if I threw a frag or shot an RPG, it would blow something up just the same and cause the same amount of damage.

It's pretty classic RPG stuff if you do want skills to matter in a significant way. It doesn't make sense in terms of realism, but how else could we balance a skill that goes from like 10 (or whatever the minimum skill is) up to 100. Accuracy and risk of jams is only gonna go so far when it comes to dampening the efficency of stuff like explosives that has a large blast radius.

I think it does clash with the first-person, more immediate action type of gameplay though. It's easier to accept the "abstraction" when you're viewing it from a viewpoint similar to the old Fallouts for example. But I'd rather have it like NV does it, rather than the skill points just not affecting things that much. There is still a lot of instances in the game where you, as the player, are able to "override" the skills of your character with your own personal skills (sniping for example).

EDIT: As for my wtf moment... Well, was going for the Yes Man ending in my playthrough. Had a rather weak character, but I didn't have much Speech skills, just Barter. So I could talk down Lanius with my Barter skill but General Oliver only had Speech options. So I had no choice but to fight him. Trouble is, as soon as you end dialogue with him, he and his four rangers immediately open fire on you and my poor character literally died within a second. Replayed it a bunch of times but still no dice. Finally was able to solve it by basically tapping the tab key as soon as combat started and downing a Turbo which enabled me to take cover. When I ducked back out again, Veronica had punched every single enemy to death and decapitated Oliver, haha.
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:18 am

Revisiting Boulder City quite a ways after rescuing the captured NCR soldiers and then joining the Legion. I was systematically eliminating every NCR in the game and was down to the little places after SuperSledging my way through Golf, Hope, McCarran, etc.. Walk up to the two rescuees, mash 'em good, then go into Boulder City to see if any others were around. Nada. Exit Boulder City, and walk by the two corpses lying on the ground and I hear them commenting on the recent demise of Mr. House. Sure enough, there the two were, prostate, flat on the ground, full health bars and gabbing it up like no tomorrow, not 30 seconds after I beat their heads in. So I killed 'em again. This time one's head went pop. Just to see if I could make it happen again, I went back into Boulder City, came back out, and low and behold, the one with her head still attached was runnin her damn mouth again. AND.......the headless zombie/corpse/born-again was answering her back, but from the severed head. Priceless

-Gunny out.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:38 pm

Sniping a Young Deathclaw near Neil's shack then walking toward said corpse thinking it was safe. Only to get ambushed by it's mother/father. I then ran back to Neil's shack thinking, "He's a big bad ass Super Mutant with his help we can take this Deathclaw no problem." Yeah, no....Neil died within 5 swipes of the Deathclaw and left me running away with 4 bars of health screaming like a little girl.
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:32 pm

When Boone says "Eat This!" in a very nerdy accent.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:41 pm

I have had a couple of WTF moments. I just spent almost two hours (real time) clearing out the a certain place crawling with deathclaws . I start at a steady trod towards Vegas and get clobbered by 5 that I did not see on the road. Ouch. I was not happy.

Another time was the first time I encountered Calazores. Who knew they were so tuff? They were just another bug to me until that point....though I guess, I was the one getting the point, er stinger.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:30 am

was walking around right after talking to the lone drifter person, and it literally started raining fiends, i was a level 2, and needless to say, the only thing tht went thru my head was "HOLY F***ING S**T!!!!!!". It rained about 45 of them before i was 30 seconds into the sprinting away for my life, but i didn't have enough stimpacks and was shot dead by an angry mob of about 40 fiends, cuz i managed to kill 5. lol
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D LOpez
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:25 pm

It's pretty classic RPG stuff if you do want skills to matter in a significant way. It doesn't make sense in terms of realism, but how else could we balance a skill that goes from like 10 (or whatever the minimum skill is) up to 100. Accuracy and risk of jams is only gonna go so far when it comes to dampening the efficency of stuff like explosives that has a large blast radius.

I think it does clash with the first-person, more immediate action type of gameplay though. It's easier to accept the "abstraction" when you're viewing it from a viewpoint similar to the old Fallouts for example. But I'd rather have it like NV does it, rather than the skill points just not affecting things that much. There is still a lot of instances in the game where you, as the player, are able to "override" the skills of your character with your own personal skills (sniping for example).

maybe a skill requirement for whether or not you can use it? like you couldnt use a missile launcher unless you had over 40 or 50 explosives. fat man would be over 70. that doesnt sound horribly unrealistic; if you dont know how to fire something then you cant. and you certainly dont wanna try shooting a fat man or a rocket launcher when you dont know how to operate it.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:26 pm

I was going to Dead Wind Cave (or something like that) for a quest item and my game forgot to spwan the Deathclaws outside, so I go in sneak past a few Deathclaws and killed a Mother Deathclaw and a few baby DC (with a modded Sniper Rifle).
Got the quest item and started to sneak out, then a DC saw me so I started to run away got outside and saw 5-10 DC all waiting to kill me.......and they did :dead: .
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:58 am

I ended up at a demolished house used as a base by viper members.

I go to sleep on the mat for 1 hour to reheal.

I woke up FREAKED THE [censored] OUT.

There they where 5 of them sitting in front of me. I jumped into the building and pulled out my golf club.

I killed every single one of those [censored] ambushers. and not one survived.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:26 am

Luring Caesar, and his guards out of there tent into my C4 trap only find out 14 piles of C4 may have been a bit much... (it was my first time >.>)
None of there body parts fell close enough to loot, but I got a half hours worth of crippled limbs messages in my upper left screen >:) .

Or as my Teacher once said: "Same mass, different surface area..."
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Post » Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:34 pm

I've just had a brahmin run straight through The Strip. From one entrance to the next, not stopping for anything. Not sure what to make of that. :huh:
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