I wanted to repair some stuff over at Lady Gibson and I couldn't find her anywhere. I tried waiting, searching for her around the scrapyard or her corps to use my resurrection spells on it but to no avail. So I typed:
save "savegame name" 1 to save and automatically open notepad with all the item/npc/quest codes. Found her code:
00084207. Then I
prid + Gibson's code and got a message the code was correct referring to lady Gibson. But when I try to enter
moveto player 00084207 I get an error message: "cannot be moved" or something like that.
I don't know where the old bat went or how to revive her. Maybe she fell through a hole in the floor or maybe Rey the scrapyard dog got upset and had her for lunch. Funny thing is her dogs still stare at her bench where she normally sits during the daytime as if she was there. Anyways, this glitch isn't a mega disaster for me because I've done all the quest related stuff before her disappearance and there is still that NCR dude who repairs my junk, although it's a long walk from my motel room.