» Fri May 14, 2010 4:13 pm
Love the game, absolutely through and through. Better than Fallout 3, very few bugs for me (PS3) and so far--knock on wood--nothing to make it unplayable. I love how things seem to have higher values, there's more sense of an economy, many factions, gangs, ammo choices, crafting, the story line. Almost everything is better in every way. hardcoe mode and less perks/stat points to distribute will probably increase the replayability for me 10 fold.
The only things that are let downs for me are the SAME damn graphics. They're not bad, but they could be soooo much better compared to other games, even those released a year ago or more. Character movement animations have always been awkward in the franchise, but whatever. I was also worried that the map seems much smaller... but I'm finding that it's not such a bad thing. The fallout 3 world had a lot of void of nothing to do, this map is just a little more compact with the same amount of stuff to do. Keeps the action rolling.
All RPG games seem to be designed after the same model. I find it very hard to believe that you wouldn't find it fun. Any bugs you experience WILL be fixed. But like I said, I haven't experienced anything noteworthy.