So, I'm looking at the screenshots, then looking out my window... Fir trees branches are slightly curved with the tips of the branches hanging lower than where they sprout from the trunk.. the divisions on each branch hang downwards.. what the heck is so hard about that? I'm surrounded by fir trees when I'm off the computer and I have never seen any game do it right. The branches don't look like a scared cats tail! Unless recently hit by lightning or seriously startled, fir trees branches and sub branches all droop downwards. Part of being a good artist is not just the doing but the initial seeing. Someone please post me a link to a game that has got this right! I hope Bethesda tweaks their toilet brush looking fir trees before release. Surrounded by pine trees seems to be this games thing in the wilderness screenshots so far, lets get it right please for once. Sheesh, looks like a deer hunting game from 1994...
Trees are by nature fractal, this makes them very high polygon objects, add that they are common, it's forests of them.
You want to reduce the number of polygons in ways who is hard to notice, making branches straight help a lot, curves increase the count 6-10 times.