coming back from a long hunting trip into the wastes.. it was very late, much later than I feel comfortable with so I have my eye on radar and scoping out the territory around Goodsprings with my rifle scope.
when lo and behold I spot Sneeky Pete.. wandering down the road from town. I thought .. wtf is he doin out here so late (3 am). Maybe he's going out to his "secret" stash of dynomite. So I decide to follow him in the shadows.
we edge our way up to where the broken radio tower is.. where much earlier I had shot a man for trying to trick me, and I notice the radar light up with red. the geckos are out in force tonight and ol Sneeky Pete is in for a fight. So I start making a wide circle to get a good snipe position to support him.
This was the "odd" part. I was to slow in getting into posistion before the gun shots started going off. Petes in trouble!. So I keep my eye on the radar and his neutral dot to make sure he doesnt die off before the Geckos smell my [censored] and start tracking me.. Couple red dots dissapear.. but his dot is still there. I am thinking .. phew old Sneeky is still alive. Awsome!. But this would not be the case. I round the corner to see Sneeky Pete met his fate. But in his place (the nuetral dot on radar) was a black raven!
Now, I know I wasnt there to actually SEE this transformation occur. But I do know that ol Sneeky was the ONLY nuetral dot on radar in the whole entire area. So is this an odd coincedence? Or are these Ravens (I used to target practice on) the souls of innocents that befall a horrible death?
thought the whole experience was awsome.
