K so i'm currently playing as unarmed so i don't get to play with gun mod's atm and i was wondering if i can equip more then 1 mod per gun. For example... i use rifle and add both extended clip and supressor or can i only pick one?
K so i'm currently playing as unarmed so i don't get to play with gun mod's atm and i was wondering if i can equip more then 1 mod per gun. For example... i use rifle and add both extended clip and supressor or can i only pick one?
You get 3. But many of them reduce other stats on the gun when you use them.
You get 3. But many of them reduce other stats on the gun when you use them.
That's what i assumed... I wanted to add a silencer on all my guns for my sniper build, but only if the weapons dmg isn't lowered too much. Can you guys tell me what each mod lowers for the gun stats? Just the general ones like extended clip, scope, and carbon fiber internals or w/e for the rifles.
I put the silencer on the varmint rifle - it doesn't say that it lowers damage. I know the varmint rifle also has a night scope available for it.
(Your best bet for what guns have what possible mods is going to be the Fallout wiki, they generally manage to pull all the information together into a nice package.)
Also: the mods ain't like (For an example) Silencer that you can put on anything you like. It's like Varmit Rifle Silencer, 9mm Pistol Silencer, 9mm Pistol Scope, 10mm Pistol Laser Sight etc