I just went through all of his scripts and dialogue options in GECK and updated both his page and the For Auld Lang Syne page on the wiki (link below). So those are correct.
The short answer is that he will offer the quest late in the game, either just before the assault on the dam or after House or the Brotherhood has been dealth with (depending on which faction you support). The simplest and most convenient way to get him to offer it as early as possible is to go to the crashed Vertibird and wait for him to comment, then travel to REPCONN HQ and wait for him to comment. Though unless you're already in the endgame, he won't offer the quest immediately. Read the page for the full details.
When doing the quest, it's really pretty straightforward, but one important tip is to make sure to wait and complete the dialogue with Arcade after each one of the recruiting conversations with the 5 Remnants. If you've been fast-travelling and running fast, he could be behind you and need to catch up. If you start another recruiting conversation before you've had the conversation with Arcade about the previous one, you run the risk of glitching the quest badly.
Keep multiple save games. But you knew that already, right?
