Well I have recently aquired this lovley game which I have sunk about 20 or so hours into. However I was doing a quite intresting quest it has to do with the Great Journey, ghouls and spaceships! (can't remeber the exact name i raged pretty bad.) well towards the very end when Jason is giving the speech towards all his little messed up cult friends I decide to save and mess around with Chris. I saved shot chris in the back of the head, at that point Jason cryed what have you done! I then realized they wheren't going to get in there spaceships, so I decide to reload the save (bad idea i guess). when I loaded up the game It gave me a message telling me I did not have the required DLC! It told me i could load anyways so I did. Then it told me again i did not have the required DLC, then promptley delivered me back to the start up screen of the game. I have five saves all of the saves are when I was doing the quest. I tried every save to no avail!
I honestly am incredibly outrage for I will have to start a entire new game again. I would love to know some sort of "Quick Fix" however I cannot see one. And to be completly honest if i did in someway trigger DLC thats on the CD making it I will ahve to buy DLC to get my saves i ain't picking up anthor Bethesda game again thats just unneccesary money gouging
Also I have the Xbox360 version fully patched.