The Best reward for completing the game on hardcoe mode is the option to play a new game with -1 to all stats. If you already beat the game the last thing you really need is something that makes it easier. Subsequent beaten games would reduce the stats further making it harder and harder to succeed.
Oh I remember finishing the old Resident evils in under a certain time and "Congratulations, we're not going to give you a cyber pat on the back... we'll give you a [censored] rocket launhcer with infinite ammo!" they are REAL achievements
Talking of Achievments, I am gutted that they have taken out Games for Windows Live for NV. Personally I couldn't care less about Steam achievments but enjoyed adding to my gamer score on Fallout 3. So if this is the only reward for hardcoe then it is very disappointing.
GFWL was a complete joke. that caused some many headaches and issues for so many people that it makes the steam issues look infinitely small. between the horrible interface, initially having to buy points to buy DLC which didnt even match the denomination so you ended up buying extra points, game crashing issues. it was horrible and im glad that GFWL is dying a slow and miserable death because no one supports it. the only things ive noticed about steam are turning off the sync which is just a couple of mouseclicks and changing the default ini instead of the other one.
I can see the reward being the achievement itself; what I don't see is what use any other reward would be? (I'm not sure on this, but isn't it granted for completing the game on HC?... and then the game ends?)
:confused: I never got the "We play Fallout for achievements!" memo...
I only expected that since they told me I'd get a "special reward" that it wasn't talking about the achievement itself. Heck I'd settle for a fancy hat to use on the next playthrough I don't really care other than they kind of build you up with that whole "are you man enough to get the big prize" kind of thing and then you find out the big prize is a t-shirt that says "Big Prize Winner!" on it. LOL!
I was expecting a decent surpirse, for example, next time you restart a new game, a same character (who just finished hardcoe) stands right out side of the doc michel clinic to become your companion...
I was expecting a decent surpirse, for example, next time you restart a new game, a same character (who just finished hardcoe) stands right out side of the doc michel clinic to become your companion...
something like that.
Oh pwn!! How awesome would it be if it was cumlative too? Eventually you'd have an army of clones to invade Vegas with