Gannon family tesla armor?

Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:00 pm

Can someone tell me how to get this step bye step?
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:09 pm

Mods please move this post to the spoiler section....General is a bad place for this.Thanks.

Alright.Be warned though that you will get the armor VERY late game.

Step one go to the followers compound in freeside.(the map past the one with the van grafs,coming from the north vegas gate way point)
Its a fort with the followers flag up top.
Talk to Arcade Gannon,Convince him to join you(speech 75)
Take him around the wastes,I took him to The OSI doctor in the NCR base,And the crashed vertibird(bottom of the map,mid section or so)
He comments on either situation.
There are other ways...but those two are 100% anytime.
Then progress the MQ untill You have dealt with the brotherhood(house and NCR)(Edit,I got the quest at the point where the ncr told me to take care of the brotherhood)
Finished Render Unto Ceaser(legion)Or installed Yes man and finished Wild Card:Side bets.
Then Talk to Gannon and Do his companion quest For Ald Lang Syne.
Tell Gannon to return to Freeside and be a doctor.
Soon as you leave the enclave base,he shows up with the armor.
Then...roll through the end game with your new duds.
(I was 95% done with the MQ when I got it,it felt that way anyway(2-3 hours left)
You can go about other quests and terrorise the desert in your old Enclave armor.*shrugs*
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:58 am

Mods please move this post to the spoiler section....General is a bad place for this.Thanks.

Alright.Be warned though that you will get the armor VERY late game.

Step one go to the followers compound in freeside.(the map past the one with the van grafs,coming from the north vegas gate way point)
Its a fort with the followers flag up top.
Talk to Arcade Gannon,Convince him to join you(speech 75)
Take him around the wastes,I took him to The OSI doctor in the NCR base,And the crashed vertibird(bottom of the map,mid section or so)
He comments on either situation.
There are other ways...but those two are 100% anytime.
Then progress the MQ untill You have dealt with the brotherhood(house and NCR)(Edit,I got the quest at the point where the ncr told me to take care of the brotherhood)
Finished Render Unto Ceaser(legion)Or installed Yes man and finished Wild Card:Side bets.
Then Talk to Gannon and Do his companion quest For Ald Lang Syne.
Tell Gannon to return to Freeside and be a doctor.
Soon as you leave the enclave base,he shows up with the armor.

Thanks i found out by my self.Now i got 2 types of Enclave Armor
Then...roll through the end game with your new duds.
(I was 95% done with the MQ when I got it,it felt that way anyway(2-3 hours left)
You can go about other quests and terrorise the desert in your old Enclave armor.*shrugs*

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