If you have the comprehension perk, a lockpick skillmagazine and a utility vault jumpsuit you can give your lockpick skills a temporary boost of 25 points.
You could also go and find the Tumblers Today lockpick skillbooks. There's 4 of them in Fallout New Vegas and if you have the comprehension perk, the
4 of them will grant you a permanent boost of 16 points. And if you haven't used the 'tag' perk yet, that's another 15 permanent points you can add to your
lockpick skills.
So comprehension perk, skillmagazine, 4 skillbooks and tag perk is 56 extra points (of which 25 temporary).
The skillbooks are located here (from the wiki):
Silver Peak Mine -> Inside the shack, behind the two small tables, on the ground in an open locker, right of the entrance.
Bitter Springs Recreation Area -> Inside the office shack to the west, on the desk in the smaller of the two rooms.
The Prospector's Den -> Inside the caves, in the subterranean Den structure, in the large barracks room, on the floor in the far right corner.
Wolfhorn Ranch -> Inside the farmhouse, partially under the fridge without door.
Hope this helps, good luck!