» Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:02 am
Coldharbour just sounds epic. Terryfying but astounding all at once. I read Morian's descreption of it in Waters of Oblivion. Very intriguing.
But what I have not seen and very much wish to see is the Hedonistic realm of Great Sanguine! It has to be an AWESOME sight to behold.
I would also love to see more of the realms of Meridia and of Azura. And the realm of Clavicus Vile sounds interesting, and even welcoming, with its rolling hills and sprawling fields.
I would be thrilled if a corner of all of the realms could be entered upon recieveing certain quests from The Princes. . . and that once accessed the portals would remain for the player to be able to re-visit. Nothing so massive as Shivering Isles, more like something on the scale of what you got with the various regions of The Dead Lands you encountered by entering different Oblvion gates, but obviously not popping up all over the place, and with entirely different aspects in each one, with their being one for each of the Princes.