I am a stealth player mostly. I love being sneaky.. I love the idea of hiding bodies, shooting out light sources (arrows or whatever is offered in the game I am playing), hiding in shadows, picking locks, creating diversions with sound, etc. I was thinking though.. One thing that bothers me about the stealth in TES is that stealth is only really activated when crouched in that squatted stealth position. I do think that that it should be more based on the type of armor you are wearing. I know that they make it so that footsteps make less sound when you rank up the skill higher and higher but I would like more speed added to the stealthy character and in practical senses. I would think that being out of the line of sight and in a shadow but not necessarily crouched SHOULD work if the conditions are in your favor. I think that stealth shouldn't be a matter of activation, it should be as simple as detected, not detected, or somewhere inbetween where enemies come looking or are alerted. Crouching should help in certain situations, sure, but not be required. Honestly I found it a bit goofy to see NPC characters hunched over televising "HEY! I KNOW YOU SEE ME BUT IM BUSY BEING A SNEAKY THIEF!"
I think that by mixing in subtlety into stealth it looks more realistic and could make you feel even more like a badass. When you pick pocket someone it should be as simple as like assassins creed did it. You bump into someone. Now I don't mean exactly like AC. I still would like a menu to choose what you want.. otherwise how would you get a key off of them or something else that is glittering that you want. I just say, let the thieves be more subtle and maybe an indication, that can be turned on or off via menus or maybe based on armor type even, of whether or not you are detected. Stealth should not be a light switch in my opinion.