Weekly Schedule:
Sundas -- Most NPCs should be at the Chapel from 11 AM to 12 PM. If it's raining or snowing, they should go home and relax with their spouse and kids. On a nice day, they should go out for a walk by the river.
Morndas -- NPCs most dreaded day of the week, like most of us on Earth, but they go back to work anyway, 8 hours a day. There should be some kind of system for kids if both of their parents are working (like a school, daycare, babysitter) After work, they should come home and eat dinner and go to sleep.
Tirdas -- Pretty much the same thing as Morndas, work 8 hours a day and maybe an hour break involved during work (applies to each work day).
Middas -- Possible day off for some NPCs. I was thinking they should have off Loredas and Sundas at first but this adds some differentiation. NPCs should have friends they hang out with and go do things together. Such as having a drink or possibly playing instruments together. Which by the way, I hope there's more than a lute in Skyrim!
Turdas -- Off to work again, most likely same schedule as Morndas.
Fredas -- Relief Day. Possible last day of work for the week for certain NPCs. But it should also be Pay Day for all NPCs who work. Also with this, it will tempt the PC to pickpocket NPCs on this day. After work, taverns should get a lot of business and there should be plenty of entertainment going on in the taverns. As much as I don't really like the idea of kids in the game, I think they're going to have to have some purpose in the game...maybe hang out with their village/city friends and go for a walk around town and kick rocks. If the tavern idea really happens in Skyrim though, I'll be a happy camper...and speaking of camping, there should be some NPCs who go out and set up their own campsite for the weekend. Maybe on this night, some NPCs might go to sleep late.
Loredas -- Pretty much a lazy day for NPCs, if they're not working, depending if they have off on Middas. But mostly similar to Sundas, without the Chapel-going. Go out and enjoy themselves and maybe buy some new clothes/armor/weapons. With that said, I also hope the NPCs won't wear the same thing EVERY day.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Rude remarks? Feel free to add your own ideas. This is just my idea if I were to make a game like this.