I've heard plenty of talk about the game being less expansive, but more intense. So I'm asking about the map size, and whether anyone can tell me if they FEEL it's bigger or smaller compared to FO3, and whether they can tell me if it's LITERALLY bigger than FO3. And, either way, can you guys tell me whether this is a good thing or not in your opinion?
It bothers me that the game wouldn't be so big, since the whole exploration aspect of Bethesda games is 75% of the reason I buy them. Therefore, the map means a lot to me. :blush:
Thanks a bunch.
On a sidenote: I've heard Vegas itself is underwhelming and very small, as I certainly expected. But I'm wondering just HOW big? Are we talking Megaton-size here? Are the only sections Freeside and the Strip?
i'd say the strip is 4 or 5 times megaton size for outside area alone and if ya count insides 10 times the size from what i've seen atm
and to tell you the truth its a desert theres more than you'd expect in a desert
you can walk for 5 minutes and see no creatures and then fight 10 or 15 ants at once at times but thats about the worst and still I don't mind I like this more than FO3 theres more than enough to do i've barely hit the strip after 15 hours due to looking around reading and exploring and i've only seen like 2% of the game i'd say
unmodded game I can see as having hundreds of hours of exploring and content if you don't try and rush it all as fast as you can