Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:23 pm

First of all, as this relates to a quest: SPOILER ALERT!

Now then, here's the deal. I completed the quest "How Little We Know" and went with the "evil" option accidentally, as I turned Cachino over to Big Sal since he seemed like the shady character. It wasn't until I followed through the other events and completed the quest that I realized I gave the Omertas the go-ahead to kill everyone on the strip. So I reloaded the oldest save I had, right after I completed Troike's and Canden's requests, but before telling Big Sal and officially ending the mission.

So here I am, trying to do resetquest and trying to reset the character, but because the button man kills Cachino in the office, no matter how many times I try to kill/resurrect or disable/enable, at BEST he's just a model that stands there and won't talk or move. Also, the receptionist doesn't have the dialog option of asking about Cachino (like she does when you're first looking for him.)

For any of you suggesting I set the quest to complete, that storyline makes Cachino vital down the road, and will only bug my game worse.

This is seriously the worst. I've always at least had an inkling of how to avoid evil, this quest was written HORRIBLY, I've got 40 hours put into this game and I can't move an inch without getting Cachino working. Someone PLEASE help me!
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:50 pm

Okay, so I think I've made some headway. After doing resetquest, I checked with seequestvariables, and everything was set to 0, like it should be at the beginning of a quest, but the value "ikillcachino" is set to "2". How do I change that to 0?
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:12 pm

You're only going to break things worse by playing with these variables. Best to let the quest resolution where you had the guy who was helping you out get killed stand.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:22 am

You're only going to break things worse by playing with these variables. Best to let the quest resolution where you had the guy who was helping you out get killed stand.

I'd prefer to not gas all of new vegas. I like people there. And after doing a resetquest, the only problem is that cachino is marked as dead even if you resurrect him, it's just this one variable that's keeping me from getting the game resolution I wanted in the first place, when I thought cachino WAS the real bad guy.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:18 am

You don't have to gas all of new vegas. Just kill Big Sal and the other conspirator.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:30 am

You don't have to gas all of new vegas. Just kill Big Sal and the other conspirator.

But that pretty much means eliminating gomorrah from my game. Everyone will attack, there will be no one there. I'm choosing this route to stop collateral damage. Can anyone familiar with GECK tell me what exactly to type to set cachino to alive again? I've tried stuff like "setstage ikillcachino = 0" etc, but it's trial and error at this point. I'd really like to get back to my game sometime soon.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:12 am

Do you know for a fact that it eliminates Gommorah? There are ways to kill people without others turning hostile to you.

Simply setting him alive won't undue every script that triggered on his death.
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:37 pm

Do you know for a fact that it eliminates Gommorah? There are ways to kill people without you getting fingered for it.

Yes, I could just kill sal, nero, troike, and clanden buy targeting their ref id's, but that seems just as buggy in and of itself. Thanks for the help, but what I'm really looking for is the command to change variables.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:38 am

Simply setting him alive won't undue every script that triggered on his death.

Also, point of interest, I'm not just setting him alive like one would a normal NPC, as stated in my original post. I would only resurrect him AFTER successfully undoing the trigger that set "ikillcachino = 2". Everything else is at base value.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:11 pm

Im also having trouble with this quest but on an xbox so no console commands for me. After telling cachino "lets go take out the bosses" he doesnt move. when I try to talk to him he says no time we've got to take out the bosses. Can I just kill the bosses myself? if I can where do I find them?
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:28 pm

I've had the same problem and managed to solve it with the following console commands.
Script was executed just outside Gomorah so that Cachino doesn't spawn somewhere in the wastes.
This brings you to the point where you've talked to receptionist and need to talk to Cachino.
After completing "How Little We Know" Omertas objective in "Wild Card: Side Bets" was completed successfully (told that conspirators were dead).


set "00110a63".icachinobossroom to 0
set "00110a63".ibossesready to 0
set "00110a63".ikillcachino to 0
set "00110a63".ijournalonce to 0
set "00110a63".icachinojournal to 0
set "00110a63".iCachinoQuestions to 0
set "00110a63".iCachinoInfo to 1
set "00110a63".iMickGuns to 1
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 110 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 100 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 90 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 88 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 85 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 81 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 80 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 78 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 75 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 71 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 70 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 69 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 68 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 67 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 66 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 64 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 62 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 60 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 58 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 57 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 55 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 53 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 51 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 50 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 45 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 40 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 35 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 33 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 32 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 31 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 30 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 20 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 10 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 5 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 1 1
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 110 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 100 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 90 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 88 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 85 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 81 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 80 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 78 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 75 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 71 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 70 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 69 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 68 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 67 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 66 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 64 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 62 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 60 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 58 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 57 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 55 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 53 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 51 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 50 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 45 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 40 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 35 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 33 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 32 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 31 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 30 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 20 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 5 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 1 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 10 1
setstage 00110a63 1
prid 11118d
set "11118d".dead to 0
set "11118d".idisabled to 0
set "11118d".DoOnce to 0
moveto player
set "00110a63".icachinobossroom to 0
set "00110a63".ibossesready to 0
set "00110a63".ikillcachino to 0
set "00110a63".ijournalonce to 0
set "00110a63".icachinojournal to 0
set "00110a63".iCachinoQuestions to 0
set "00110a63".iCachinoInfo to 1
set "00110a63".iMickGuns to 1
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 110 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 100 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 90 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 88 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 85 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 81 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 80 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 78 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 75 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 71 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 70 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 69 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 68 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 67 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 66 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 64 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 62 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 60 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 58 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 57 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 55 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 53 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 51 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 50 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 45 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 40 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 35 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 33 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 32 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 31 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 30 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 20 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 10 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 5 0
setObjectiveCompleted 00110a63 1 1
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 110 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 100 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 95 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 90 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 88 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 85 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 81 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 80 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 78 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 75 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 71 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 70 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 69 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 68 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 67 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 66 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 64 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 62 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 60 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 58 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 57 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 55 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 53 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 51 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 50 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 45 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 40 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 35 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 33 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 32 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 31 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 30 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 20 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 5 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 1 0
setObjectiveDisplayed 00110a63 10 1
setstage 00110a63 1

Script has duplicate lines 'just in case'.

P.S. Impact on further gameplay is unknown. Separate save is recommended before proceeding.
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Krystal Wilson
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