» Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:43 am
I'm rather new to the game myself, so here's what I've learned on my own skin:
1) Go http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:Fallout:_New_Vegas and have a nice thorough read-through. Helps you plan ahead and figure out what you need to do when you are lost.
2) S.P.E.C.I.A.L is pretty well explained in that link. The attributes set your starting level of skills and determine what items you're strong enough to use, how fast you are, how tough you are, how many skill points you earn etc. They also determine what perks you can or cannot get.
Gameplay advice:
1) As a beginner, go for guns. You can have your fun with the energy weapons or melee in other playthroughs, but guns are easiest to start with.
2) You get a Varmint rifle for free from a nice girl named Sunny Smiles. Treasure it and fix it to good condition as soon as you can. Buy a night scope for it from Chet (and a silencer if you're lucky), and that little thing will carry you through early game like nobody's business.
3) Tagging Repair at the beginning allows you to acquire a 9mm submachinegun right at the house where you start. Use it or sell it; useful either way.
4) Speaking of Repair, collect guns of the type you're currently using. They can be used to fix your gun whenever its condition degenerated below optimal.
5) Sneak+snipe is a very safe way to kill anything that hasn't noticed you before you've noticed it. Hits scored wihle sneaking are automatic critical hits, multiplying the hell out of your damage. Silenced weapons are awesome for that tactic as they give you more second chances.
6) Take the Good Natured trait. You will probably only use one weapon type only throughout the game, so you only lose 5 points on it, but you gain 15 points in other useful skills.
7) Speech IS important.
8) Have a +Speech armor to use in town and a +DT armor to use in the great outdoors where harm might come to you.
9) Take followers as soon as available. Even if you don't feel you need help in combat, a follower is still useful as a mule for the stuff that needs carrying. There's a LOT of stuff that needs carrying.
10) Grab ammo casings whenever you see them in the shopkeepers' inventories. Loose casings are free, casing boxes are cheap, and you never know what ammo your next favorite gun will be using.