I was able to find several locations in modern-day Nevada and California just as they appear in Fallout: New Vegas.
Goodsprings was not only right where Obsidian placed in in NV, but apparently there really is a Pioneer Saloon and Goodsprings Elementary School there. And right down the road is a small airport named Jeans. Continue down I-15 to Primm, with a casino and resort of the same name as in FO:NV (Wild Bill's, I think?) and a roller coaster. Further down the road, we find Nipton... As well as the intersection of 95 and 93 where Obsidian placed the 188 Trading Post, and, of course Boulder City and Black Mountain.
Anyways, I want to give my compliments to the Obsidian team for their great attention to detail. My hat's off to you, gentlemen.
EDIT: Spelling mistake