Assault on Fort Willson

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:02 am


Cell Block E, Fort Willson, Colorado
March 12, 2234
Name: Jon Morgan
Brotherhood of Steel Rank: Knight
Current Statis: Unknown
Current Location: Unknown

Ligh filters through a small barred window as a figure sits on a small dirty bunk behind a wall of bar's. The cold sterile enviroment seem's almost like another wasteland, but on the otherside of the small barred window lay's the real wasteland. A harsh, and unforgiving enviroment, but if humanity could survive the wasteland, then not all hope was lost. Inside the cold sterile cell, voices echo down the hall talking, but they are muffled by the door. Suddenly footsteps can be heard echoing down the hallway as they stop at the figure's cell. Two men stand on the otherside as the figure stands up. His toned body is something to fear, and his well known attitude is even something a Super Mutant fear's. The two men stand looking at the figure, one holding some sort of pistol, and the other looking like some doctor.

"Sedate him."

Suddenly the pistol raises up, and a SWOOSH! echoes through the hall, and cell's nearby as the figure fall's to the ground. The cell door open's, and the two men quickly grab him, and walk him down to a nearby stretcher. The pistol seemed to have fired a dart that was dipped in some kind of heavy sedative. Everything goes blank for the figure. As the figure is transported through the hall's the two men stop at a door titled: Authorized Personel Only. Welcome to Sanity. The door slides open as a single light flicker's on revealing a single wooden chair with arm, and leg bracings. This room is not mean't for good things.

"Place him in the chair, and attach the I.V. into his arm. I wan't this done quickly. We don't have much time before they arrive!"

Several other men rush into the room wearing what looks to be somekind of field doctor's outfit. They wear surgical masks, and quickly place the figure on the chair. They place the I.V. into his arm, and begin administering the drug. The old dirty tubes leading to the figure's arm guide the clear liquid over and around until it finally begins to enter his veins. Suddenly the figure springs to life, in an almost shocked to life state.

"Good morning Knight Morgan. How did you sleep?"

"Where am I? What's going on?"

The doctor look's at Morgan with a sadistic grin on his already sadistic face. He almost seem's to revile in the question, yet holds his emotion's in. The other men are heavily armed, and willing to kill.

"You are a captive of the Enclave, and you are going to tell us why you attacked Alpha Lab. What were you trying to capture? What did you think your puny Brother's would achieve?"

Morgan looks at the doctor for a moment, as his I.V. is replaced with another. The field doctor's seem like they are not really doctor's but trained gunmen.

"I'm not telling you anything. I will never tell you what our mission was!"

The sudden outburst seemed almost exspected from the doctor, but the other's were quick to judge, and pointed their plasma rifles at Morgan. It was not a good spot to be in, and it seemed as if it would only get worse. The new I.V. drug begin's to take effect as Morgan lay's relaxed in his chair. It seem's that all hope is lost for Knight as he begins.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:42 pm

Hmm... Looks good. There are quite a few misspellings and mistakes in grammer, but nothing that Word or a spellchecker can't fix. It is just a little on the short side, but as it's a prologue, that's understandable.

Please continue!
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:26 pm

way too many apostrophes
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 pm

Couple of spelling and grammer mistakes, but like Ambrose51 said, MS Word should sort that out. Keep 'em coming!
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Richus Dude
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:22 pm

Like its already been said, some grammar error's, but its good. Keep up the good work.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:40 pm

Thanks everyone for your post's. And Chapter 1 will be longer then the Prologue. :D

Chapter 1

Alpha Base, Southern Colorado
February 20, 2234
Name: Jon Morgan
Brotherhood of Steel Rank: Knight
Current Statis: Normal
Current Location: C Barracks

We geared up, and stood waiting next to our bunks as the Sergeant at Arm's inspected us for the final time. I was excited for what was to come. I had been in several other battle's, but nothing as large as I was about to face. The Sergeant at Arm's looked us over, and yelled insults to us as he dismissed us three at a time. I was with the fourth group of three to be released as the Sergeant at Arm's continued to yell insults at the others. They loaded us up onto one of the only remaining truck's that ran in Colorado. We took our seat, and sounded off. Our masks echoed our reply in an eery sense.

"Echo 1 ready!"

"Echo 2 ready!"

"Echo 3 ready!"

"Echo 4 ready!"

I sounded off, "Echo 5 ready!" The rest continued.

"Echo 6 ready!"

"Echo 7 ready!"

As Echo 7 sounded off, the commander pounded on the roof of the truck, and we were on our way. The hot radiated wasteland was a normal scene to us as we rolled down the cracked, and broken street. Alpha Base had been a simple rearm, and refit base, but for three months it had been our home. Echo 4 sputtered something over the comm link, but my radio had sputtered so I didn't catch it. No one laughed, so it must not have been funny or uplifting. Echo squad was a good squad, we had gone through alot together, and we had formed a great bond between ourself's. It was almost like having a family, even though most of us had never known one or either of our parents. Every soldier in Echo squad had a parent that was in the Brotherhood previously, and had either died in battle or had just disappeared. Some of the parents had left the Brotherhood, but had left their child. I was the only one who had known both his mother and father. They had treated me well, and taught me alot about the Brotherhood. But what they couldn't teach me was what was we were about to enter.

As we drove through the hot wasteland sun, it began to reach its peak. It was almost untollerable in our heavy power armor, but luckly we were fitted with a cooling system inside unlike the older models. After the events in Washington D.C. in 2227, the Brotherhood had began to collect scrap metal, and other important objects in the wasteland to create new Power Armor. We had been fitted with the new Mk 4 Power Armor. It looked like the old Brotherhood Power Armor, but was a easier to get into, and run in. It was also lighter. We had fitted the Mk 4 Power Armor with a few perks to it. We could lift more, and carry more. We had better vision, and had equiped the Mk 4 Power Armor with a rugged night vision. The Mk 4 had its fair share of combat after several skirmishe's with the Enclave, and other Brotherhood factions that had gone Rouge. Mostly the Mid-Western Brotherhood who had broken away, and joined what they had been nicknamed in earlier year's, "The Outcast". The Mk 4 showed its abilites in all those skirmishe's, and had become mass produced in an old factory. The location of the factory was kept secret from the "grunts," incase of capture. The Brotherhood of Steel had changed alot during the year's following D.C. but they had been both bad, and good.

As we approached a group of hill's near old Denver, the truck stopped, and we unloaded quickly. We took up postion's on both side's of the road. It was standard protocal, and it was our stop. Suddenly Echo 1 began barking order's over the comm link.

"I wan't complete awairness of what's going on around you. No horsing around, or I'll shoot you myself. Echo 3 get on the "Deck!"

I took my postion between Echo 7, and Echo 2 as we looked into the wasteland. We were surrounded by hill's, and the tension before we moved out alway's got to me. I layed on my stomach resting my Mk6 Laser Rifle, on a small dirt mound infront of me as we waited for the order to move out. Echo 1, and the truck driver were talking, but were not on the comm link so I could not hear what was said. After waiting under the wasteland sun for what felt like several hours, the order came, and we began to regroup into our line. Echo 1 walked up and down the line giving us our quick field debriefing.

"Brother's, today we attack what our spy bot's had designated as a Enclave research lab. Our job is to go in, and capture what is inside the lab. Anyone not part of the Brotherhood is to be terminated. Delta Team will move in with us when we near the lab so don't fire unless fired upon. Now let's move out!"

We all began behind Echo 1 as we marched in two line's, each had three men in it. Echo 1 marched infront of the two line's keeping the pase while we marched forward into an unknowing enemy. My mind raced with excitment as we marched forward. We all pvssyd over the comm link about normal thing's like previous skirmishes, and girl's we had liked. We pvssyd about how it seemed unfair that we were going into a lab, where scientist's worked, but it had to be done. It was just another day in the Brotherhood. And I was about to learn what a real battle with the Enclave was like.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:46 pm

Chapter 1 is good, bring on the next.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 pm

Chapter 2

Bloody Hills, Southern Colorado
February 23, 2234
Name: Jon Morgan
Brotherhood of Steel Rank: Knight
Current Statis: Normal
Current Location: Bloody Hills

After linking up with Delta team, and then with Sierra team here at the Bloody Hills OP (Outpost) we headed out once more in our lines. The day was better than before, we had some rain that had slowed us down, but the ground quickly dried up after the wasteland sun heated it up. We talked amoungst each other about what we had done in the Brotherhood, and how long we had been in it. Some had seen major battles. But none had been in D.C. We marched along while the Paladin's ahead of us pvssyd away of mission's we had "gone" on, and won. No one said they were fake, because we all wanted to look like we had seen alot of action in our time. Which none of us had.

As we came up to a ridge, we were given the signal to halt. The Paladin's began muttering something to each other. All of us didn't know what was going on, we were in the middle of know where, and we had suddenly stopped. We tried listening in on the comm link, but the Paladin's were speaking on a secured line that none of us knew. Some began to get nervous, and wanted to know what was going on up on top. Before one of the Knights in Sierra team could walk up, she was stopped by the Paladin's who were walking back down to us. We couldn't see their faces, so we didn't know if the news was going to be good or bad.

"Ok Knights lets listen up. The lab is just over this ridge, and it doesn't seem guarded by anyone. There are some scientists going in and out, but we'll have some of you guard the door's when we get inside." Paladin Gace told us as she looked at the other Paladins. We looked at each other, but couldn't tell what the other was saying with their face, but some how we knew it was good. We setup for our assault on the lab as Delta team moved to the left flank of the lab, and Sierra to the center. We were stuck with flanking fromt he right. Over the comm link Paladin Grace gave the word for us to move. We quietly moved into the lab, as the pressure door's swooshed open. I looked around with my Laser Rifle at the ready. Echo 1 or Paladin Tyne squaked over the comm link telling us to move out down the hall. I was third from the front, and was nervous because if the two Brother's infront of me were hit, I would be next. Atleast if I was fourth from the front, I would have a better chance.

As we reached the first room name: Lab 3, Echo 1 huddled us together. "I don't want any of these Enclave scientists to be telling the others of what happened here. Do you all understand?"

"Yes!" We said axious to get in there.

"This is Delta 1 to Echo 1. We are at Lab 8's pressure door. Are you in postion?"

"This is Echo 1, yes we're in postion, and awaiting."

"This is Sierra 1. We are right infront of Lab 12's pressure door."

"Ok get in there, and kill them all. No one lives!"

We all heard that, and shivered. We were here to do good, not just masacre a bunch of scientist. We charged in gun's blazing. I fired at one scientist as she tried to leave one of the lab's other door's. I got another scientist as he reached for his pistol. Everyone got a kill it seemed. Enough rounds had been fired for someone to hit something living. None of us had been hit, and quickly moved to the next lab room. Lab 2, we didn't even take a break as we entered Lab 2, and once again fired at anything with a white lab coat, or someone not with Brotherhood Power Armor. As we moved through four other Lab's Delta 1 squaked in over the comm link.

"This is Delta 1, we have one KIA. Knight Rodrick got a knife to the throat when he took off his helmet. Everyone else ok?" Both Paladin's came over the comm link.

"Yes. We're good, no casualties. Sorry for your loss. We'll continue on."

"Ok." Delta 1 said as we made our way to the last lab. It was surprising, no alarm's or any resistance had met us in any of the lab rooms. We had done pretty good in the two hours it took to take the lab's. As we had done before in the other lab's we went in gun's blazing. The Scientists knew we were coming, but had no escape. We shot them down quickly, and then regrouped in the lunch room with Delta, and Sierra team's. We all pvssyd with each other about our kill's, but when Knight Rodrick's name came up Delta team quieted down. We all gave our remorse to them, but then had to leave as we heard the sound of a Vertibird fly over. We rushed outside to see, realizing it was one of our own. We had recently been producing our own Vertibirds, and had armed them with higher caliber weapons than the Enclave's.

The Vertibird landed on a soft spot as the door's swung open. It was Scribe Lance from our HQ. He walked over to the Paladin's and began talking to them about an offensive against an Enclave Outpost that was dug into a hill. It had never been taken, but Vertibird's had been pounding it with bombs, and gun fire. Many had died on that hill, and we were about to make our attack on Fort Willson or as it had come to be known "Death Ridge". We were going into hell, and didn't know if we would be returning.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:52 pm

Can't wait for Chapter 3 :)
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:13 am

Thanks. Anyone else have something to say. I like info on what I could do better, and how people like it at the moment!!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 pm

Well, you still have a few misspellings and unnecessary apostrophes. As to the story itself, I have no complaints.
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barbara belmonte
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