...that the total number of replies in the Oblivion forum (a game which has been out for some time and modded out the wazoo) is only 279,522 but the number of replies in the Skyrim forum (a game which is not even released yet and won't be released for about 6 months) has 407,774 replies?
What are we all talking about?!?
(oh wait, 407, 775 now...)
Not at all. Most of the talk happens before the game's release, due to the hype and the craving to speculate. Since the TES fanbase increased substantially only AFTER Oblivion was released, most of the people talking on the forums before that were the oldie die-hards from Morrowind and Daggerfall. Whereas now we have all of the freshmen spawned by Oblivion's success, posting threads on the same topics over and over again because they're much too lazy to check if noone posted the same thing before. :spotted owl:
I swear to any diety I see topics pop up every day right now that are identical to the ones from January.