That's quite harsh!
Though I must admit, I'm really, really, really hoping that the Dovahkiin will turn into the avatar of Shor, a giant scarab, and rip Alduin a new one. I'd nerdgasm. :drool:
But I try not to think about it too much so I'm not disappointed when it doesn't happen.
You have no idea how the crap Oblivion ending burned me. I got robbed man.

Seriously though, there's nothing more important to me in games like these than being the epic hero. They give me this huge sprawling world, filled with dangers few can handle, and a disaster on its way that only I can stop. That is what glory is made of, what makes legends of men and women alike. I don't get to do that stuff in real life, on Earth I'm just a nerd with long hair and a talent for writing. But in Tamriel, in Faerun, in the year 20XX, I can do anything. I can fly, shoot lightning like the Emperor, summon strange creatures, battle huge robots, you name it. In gaming I get to be the guy who saves world. Not the guy finds someone to do it. It's up to me, and me alone.
So bring it on Bethesda, I'm ready to show the Dragon God of Time what it is to mess with one seriously pissed-off Orc. :rock: