Are you buying a 1500$ laptop just for gaming? Why not build a better 1000$ desktop for gaming and buy a netbook or something stupidly cheap to type on and surf the web?
This. Definitely. If your TV isn't THAT old (I guess, something from this millenium), you could easily connect your gaming rig to it - you even don't need to spend money on monitor!
Just keyboard, mouse (cheap), gamepad - and here you go, semi-next-gen "console", which (by the way) could do much more stuff, than normal consoles do.
Think about it this way:
You're making long-term deal with Gaming God, and he allows you to play with small budget in better resolution and quality. As for me, that DOES make sense!
Also, if you need something JUST for surf & type & watch videos, my suggestion is to look at so-called "smartbooks" - ARM-powered with extreeemly long battery life.
Want I mean is, if you bought a PC more than 6 months ago and you did not spend a lot on it, it will run like a snail, developed on a console issue is irrelevant.
Wrong. Consoles got, well, 4, 5 years old graphic cards? As soon as new GPU gen came out, previous one lost its cost extremely fast - but they're still fast enough to run 1080p at max! And that's amazing about PC game world. For example, my HD3870 cost me about 250$. HD4xxx came out and puf - HD3870 lost 100$. Also, your CPU could last about 5 years without became unactual - that's because there isn't that much CPU work in modern games. Streaming data, AI, occlusion culling - that's pretty much the end. Even physics is moving to GPU!
And still, you've got something called "Crossfire/SLI"

Buy two cheap, old GPUs and blend them together. ATi's Crossfire will give you up to 70% FPS punch for an extra card, SLI gives less. And having two "sometime high-end" GPUs will make you happy.
- Best option is not to buy laptop

- Build desktop instead, buy cheap netbook/smartbook, connect PC to your TV, get gamepad - enjoy.
- Top-end videocards are for highest resolutions and mostly are overkill (I'm pretty sure they will be an overkill for Skyrim unless you've got 98645x74142 resolution)
- Previous-gen videocards are cheap enough to buy and fast enough to run.