» Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:37 pm
I remember the first time I got to Two Trees in RDR, I was attacked repeadly by bears while standing in the same place - they were constantly coming at me.
I counted 33 bears in one go attacked me while I stood in the same spot, no less than about 6-7 seconds apart each, sometimes two at once. The ground was littered with their corpses.
And be aware, there were more coming, I just got sick of it and left for fear of losing the pelts (etc) I had attained so far.
It's at this point that RDR hunting was really broken for me. That and when you get attacked by three wolf packs in a space of 2 minutes.
RDR made hunting fun however - since it was worthwhile and it had challenges with rewards e.t.c. e.t.c.
Oblvion hunting svcked. Wolves were on there own and one was every 5 yards down the road ready to kamikaze into you.
There needs to be a healthy balance. I agree with the OP, there should be less of things like wolves and stuff. But perhaps there shouldn't be less animals than in OB, but more variation. Instead of "Oh, another wolf", "Oh, another deer".