1: you can hide inside the containers... great for stealth
2: you can smash the containers open
3: other things could hide in containers... nasty suprise for you when a ghost may be in the chest, skeletons are in the closet or that coffin may not be empty :cryvaultboy:
in theory this would be harder to do with random content. i think the way to get around this is to make organised spawns inside. in a book chest there will be lots of nodes rather than just one that say where each book spawns... in a potion chest a similar approach will be made but the spawning places inside the chest would obviously be different due to the shapes of the potions. remember that this game has a lot more level designers and it would be possible to manually put items inside of containers!
one more thing to mention would be that Armour models should appear differently when spawned in their crates (lots of other objects might have dust on too) to fit better inside them. clothes would appear to be hung up in wardrobes whilst folded in draws. sometimes specific weapons should be chosen to match the container.. for example a leveled claymore may be held by the dead skeleton in his coffin but no claymores would be put in the smaller weapon chests

characters could fit inside containers!!
ghosts could jump out of chests when you try to unlock them, monsters could try to jump out of closets as you pass them... you could open up a nordic coffin and steal some possessions.. but if you try to grab the sword clutched at the skeleton's chest it may just wake up and try to decapitate you with what you tried to take...
traps... traps that failed in oblivion where the wall spikes,daedric mines and towers... actualy everything!!!
1: bring back door and container spell traps!!
-instead of text telling you that something is trapped let the player find out!! perhaps a detect trap spell.
-however a lot less should be trapped. mundane looking items should never be trapped
2: containers with things inside of them!! like i mentioned earlier.. it may occur upon opening wrongly, smashing or taking a particular item. it doesnt have to be an npc, i can imagine a few things having poison gas inside
--- this reminds me... what if there was a spell to collect poison gas to be used as an ingredient for alchemy? perhaps you could use this gas and it would be a powder that you could use for nasty surprises on npcs by putting it in their closet or throwing it in their food,drink or clothes
3: ambush traps. by this i mean that doing a certain action might cause every skeleton in the room to wake up or make the statues slightly more lifelike
4: while spike shooting traps are stupid.. crossbow traps are not

5: well hidden pitfall traps with various things underneath (classic wooden stakes, metal spikes,lava for those odd dungeons, acidic liquids or gas,snakes,undead,magical fire, the entrance to a dungeon or cave)
6: common hunting traps like snares (it would be funny to walk through the woods and find yourself upsideown)
7: weak structures that collapse under/by/near you... (perhaps even snow)
8: the swinging object tripwire traps for oblivion seemed feasible but were not executed well enough, bring them back but make them better
9: the pressure plates were stupid... however magical pressure plates would be good
10: steam traps!!! perhaps hitting a steam pipe hard enough should create a jet of hot steam to damage opponents!! the player could easily use the environment to their advantage then!!! accidentaly hitting a steam pipe might change a fight completely
11: soul gem traps... setting them off will release a spirit as powerfull as the creature captured
12: explosives
13: net traps
14: magical asteroids (daedric realm?)
15: tentacle traps/roots ( living roots,underwater monster or living plant)
16: webs (combining web and tentacle traps)
17: spotlight. giving its enemies unwanted attention. (i seem to be thinking of the eye of sauron. imagine an eye searching for an opponent and illuminating what it sees)
18: gas.. giving an variety of effects (including hallucinations

19: glowing mushrooms that glow when a character is near... looking pretty but alerting the enemy to you
npc operated traps..
20:cauldrons of boiling oil
21:cauldrons of flammable oil (to be ignited by mages)
22:npcs should be able to kick ladders (this can be considered a trap)
23:reading of special scrolls/books that trigger an event
24:siege weaponry (the game would probably consider this a trap... a boulder falling from the sky would trap you at least)
25:nets.... npcs may try to throw a net over you and drag you away (possibly on horseback)
26:water and oils could be considered traps if npcs prepared to use electricity/fire spells on you
oh, and these should NOT be just for dungeons!! some in the household... maybe the wilderness... accidentally falling into a dungeon for the win!!!