» Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:09 pm
I remember in oblivion removing the default crap from my shelves and putting my stuff up. I came back a week later and the default stuff had magically replaced itself, with my crap scattered everywhere. I was using fcom, so I don't know if this happens in vanilla, but it pissed me off to say the least.
What I'm getting at is I want the option(or just default) to buy shelves/tables etc with nothing on them. Just empty furniture please! Also I want wall mounts for sheilds, preferably ones I can choose where/how many. I want armor mannequins to wear all the armor I collect. I want to be able to have a wall o'weapons, with maces and axes etc. I love the bookshelf chest idea, and I think the order they are in the chest is the order from left to right they should be placed. So we would need to be able to manually move them in the chest.