Still it's a beast of a weapon for a hand gun and there is also Pew-Pew.
It doesn't make much sense for people to be selling them or you finding ammo for it left and right, since it's a Wild Wasteland thing and more of an easter egg.
Doesn't it also have crazy criticals? I think the low ammo count also serves to make it not so overpowered and let you think when to use it.
Agreed! I use it only when I am really, really in a bad situation and it always gets me out. Like the time Blind Deathclaws were EVERYWHERE and I didn't have my buddy, Rex. I have about 15 shots left. I refuse to use them on anything almost. I just run back to the Brotherhood of Steel if I get way too overwhelmed as soon as I am hidden again.

haha, safety for a minute makes me feel better. I can get worked up!