This has happened with all of my companions but happens most often with ED-E. After the patch for the 360 my companions would get stuck at the moment battle ensues. There is only one way iv'e really found to fix this and its temporay and thats to reload your save. Also it should be noted the companions in question will still attempt to follow but cannot as if overweighted or locked in a box. You can circle them and theyll turn but they wont follow. More over at times and this has only happened with ED-E he will have his parts spread out or misplaced i.e. an antena for feet from his stuck body. There are more bugs then this though If a companion is given armor and they cant equip that factions armor it will dissapear. i.e. give BOS armor to Boone and watch it go bye-bye. Also if they are given a weapon of the same type but better then the one they had they wont use it. I only mention this becuase they can be given armor and will equip it if possible so im thinking it MAY be possible the same thing should happen with weapons they are proffcient in. Beyond that the game crashes randomly and often but you already mentioned the issue releated to the graphics cards and drivers. You being the devs. Lets see what else have i noticed Oh if you start the quest Side Bets (as far as I can tell) you cant start the quest to bug the lucky 38 for the Followers OTA. This may not be a bug but it might be so Im letting you know like with the weapon comment. Um, I cant think of any beyond that but there was a commmon bug in fallout 3 where the physics engine would make things bounce all over the place and/or stretch things I think i might have seen that occur with some stretching so i'd look it over just in case. Id also like to say that as a consumer and fan I appreciate your attention to these matters and your already quick repsonse in attempting to rectify the problems. Wish you guys wouldnt have nerfed the stealth armor as some have already mentioned it becomes useless without the cloaking feature. But on the all and all I enjoy your game. I do have one grip though and that was getting an acheivment for beating it on hard core mode with hard difficulty. I was under the impression it gave a special item but it didnt and so instead of just enjoying the game a ran through trying to get something i dont really care about but i do appreciate you trying to reward the player. Have a goodin

. I forgot to mention that after sending my companions to the lucky 38 rex dissapeared and even after visting ruals shack he wont fix my gear just keeps saying i need to take him there.