So, what lifestyle or physiological changes have you experienced because of this game? Do you remember what your family and friends look like? Is your back hurting from sitting one position too long? Do you have conversations with Super Mutants in your sleep?
Haha great thread CCNA.

I actually think the expectation of the game and build-up to release was the most changing for me. I got massive amounts of things, tasks and chores done that I normally am not so aggressive about.

I even finished the walls and floor of a new art studio for my wife - something I had been putting off because of the amount of work involved. There were other things, but I so wanted to Just Play Fallout: New Vegas when it came out drove me to get massive amounts of stuff done. My wife now wants a new game release at least once a year that I fall for (lol).
The night of the release was extremely strange, wonderful and terrible all at the same time. I will let that night go, best to forget it.
From Day 2 forward it has been amazing - all of that project stuff stopped cold - lol! Actually I am still getting things done, but Im also getting some dividends back on getting ready ahead of time. I still have to finish sanding the spakle which should take 10 minutes but has been delayed for days - promised wife to finish this weekend. Work has been fortunately light, but my wife's horse stepped on her foot and doubled my fatherly-duties this week.

My wife and I have debated who is in more pain, her with a swollen foot and me being stuck in the real-world when the wasteland becons!
Sleep is down to at Most 4 hours a night so I can play some every day and still maintain my schedule, but I can only hold that for awhile before things will start to slip. Still now that the goodness has taken hold of my mind, now that I have confirmed that I can transfer the best parts of my airport into New Vegas, I'm totally addicted to Fallout: New Vegas and can't look back.
The dream is realized. Now there is just the living of it to look forward to - definitely Good Times.
Obsidian in my view deserves a :turtle: for this game IMHO.