In a future DLC, plz plz plz think about making it so we can craft things out of these hides. The gecko hides in particular cry out to made into things. Fire Geck Hides that provide some fire resistance? Ahh? See where I am going with this?
Even if it's something as simple as using a bunch of them to upgrade an existing armor to make a slightly better, differently skinned version.
Like: Leather Armor + Tanned Golden Gecko Hide = something better than leather armor, looks a little different, and provides some radiation protection
Or: Legion Armor + Coyote Hides = something that looks different and has no Caesar's Legion affiliation tied to it (being outside of standard issue)
I'm just saying that Tribal Power Armor in Fallout 3 was frickin' awesome and I'd love to be able to use these in-game items to make my own piecemeal awesome stuff.