havent started yet but i wanted to kno if this would be good?
traits:heavy handed,wild wasteland
lvl2:rapid reload
lvl6:shotgun surgeon
lvl14:jury rigging
lvl16:adamantium skeleton
lvl20:fast metabolism
lvl24:strong back
please tweak it as much as necessary:)
thank you!
Hmm... I had to restart my character for the third time thanks to the corrputed save file issue. What I found is that speech skill in this game is much more important that FO3. I always went with like a 2 Charisma and no speech and did just fine with just weapons skills. There seem to be a lot more speech checks (or at least more important) in this game, so the third time I went with guns/sneak/speech and it really opens up more options. I went with 5 charisma and dump at least 3-5 pts per level up in my speech. And it hasn't hurt my fighting abilities at all b/c I'm going guns/sneak/speech as my primary three skills.
For your first playthrough I would go speech, guns, sneak as your tag skills. I wouldn't take about half the perks you have listed. Yeah, they're fun and all, but not really that useful. Do you really need rapid reload and quickdraw? This isn't COD. I'd go Intense Training for the first couple of levels and build up your specials. Don't take heave,ho if you're going guns or energy weapons (which I assume you are 'cuz you're wanting shotgun surgeon and Cowboy). You won't really use that many grenades/dynamite to make it a useful perk unless you just grenade the **** outta enemies.
You don't need the strong back perk unless you're not using companions. I don't know why you wouldn't use Boone, though, he's a beast and he can carry 235 of weight. You can load your companions down and use the perk on something more useful, like Commando, Sniper, Better Criticals, Finesse, etc. Those four perks are invaluable to a small guns build. With a high sneak/guns and those four perks, you can kill easily in one or two shots.
Your perks seem kind of all over the place. Remember, it's hard to do all things well in Fallout (until the end when you've almost maxed everything out). But for the first 15-20 levels, work on your core build, whatever that is, and take perks that compliment your core build while putting skill points into 3-4 things until they are at least 60-70, then move on. Just thoughts....