so i bashed benny's skull apart with spiked knuckles on the main floor of the tops then ran to the prez suite and grabbed the sub machine gun and killed all the goons with that, are all those people gonna stay dead now? or will the casino be back to normal in a while
No they stay dead

I killed all the mask wearing goons in ultra luxe and then came back 3days later and all of them were still dead. If you wipe out everybody in any of the casinos they'll stay dead permanently.
same applies to killing off all the other factions
be forwarned:
The only NPC factions that will respawn from what ive seen are:
- Casears legion
- Fiends
- Traders/Mercs
- Powder Gangers
my advice too you is: be careful who you kill and make as many seperate saves as you possibly can.