2- Gun powder, not gun just the powder, an alchemy formula that can be used to make explosive traps or place powder container on floor and shoot a fire ball that boom!
3- alchemy, In the real wourld whem chemyst where actually called alchemyst there true intentions was to turn led into bronze (not gold) so being able to do that in skyrim could be fun and if there is armour making you could use this to create very unique and powerfull sets.
4- head shots with bows and also spells.
5- race powers, for khajiit night vision should be that all lights are10 times britter in very dark places and not night-eye, also demoralize should be in the form af a lions roar (like the dragon shout power but non damaging) that skares enemies and has a bonus with stealth and can even be upgraded or becomes more powerfull with leveling your charecter. For argonians keep water breathing and ad thermal vision like rattle snakes have (turn on and of options). cant think af other races.
6- fishing with rod and net or underwater spears.
7- since there will be children in skyrim I hope there will also be pregnant wemen aswell or wehere do all the kids come from? also some babys and argonian eggs next to a fire place with the possiblity to witness a hatching.
7.5- makes no sence to me that argonians have briast, there lizards they do not briastfeed. also khajiit are cats and should have six niples but its esier to hide no briast the six.
8- mixed races, in oblivion with the arena quest there was the grey prince half orc half human vampire. Can ther be a fury argonian or a short green high elf?
9- indecent exposure, goind around the map with no close on is a crime and gets npc reactions.
10- instead of just crouching we can crawl on the ground like in MW great for stealth.
11- birds and other flying creature instead of just land beast. ducks on water, crows and more.
12- wooden training weapons instead of oblivion style replicas.
13- active vulcano that you can enter and explore.
14- mirrors, in your house at least and it will allow you to change hare and beard style like in fallout.
15- pets like cats, dogs and some strange creature native to skyrim.
16- rainbows.
17- make avalanches with your shout power.
18- slingshot.
19- if enchanting still uses soul gems then be able to use several, if all in your invetory, grandgems to create very powerfull multiple enchanyment on anything.
fin for now.