» Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:40 pm
I voted something else on both questions:
The First:
I said 'Something Else' because I think Sound/music could help a lot in loading screens.
Example For a house: If I walked into the house, I would like to hear what I would normally hear in a house. Maybe a fire kindling in the furnace (Fire place, etc.), some welcoming music, greetings from others in the house. I'd prefer the loading screens to have a picture of the EXACT area you are entering (and not some other place halfway across Skyrim), but I'd like some of this stuff instead of your average tips or little facts.
For a Dungeon: I would like the sounds/music again with this one, but I'd also just like a picture of a few of the enemies in the dungeon. These loading screens could be more generic, since you don't have much knowledge of the dungeon. For the Sounds/music, it'd be nice to hear a door creaking (or whatever you used to get into the dungeon) and maybe a few of the enemies sound effects (Maybe a Skeleton's bones rattling, Necromancer laughing, etc...).
For the latter:
When I walk into the town/city, I'd like to hear Sound/music like I've stated before. Maybe music from the local inn, if there are street performers then hear them performing, people talking, greetings, etc... The loading screen could just be a picture of the town, with random facts about the town.
All of this stuff would be nice, but I highly doubt them implementing it.