building new pc's for skyrim

Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:15 am

I wouldn't recommend to anyone to build their own PC unless they understand the proper procedured for assembling electronic components, are willing to properly research the components they want to purchase, and are willing to risk spending a good deal of money on something that may give them nothing but fits down the road. If you have no clue and can't program the time on your own microwave, you better stick to buying them pre-built. For tech guys that know what they're doing, building a PC is nothing so they say it's easy when really there's a lot to it that they don't even think about any more. My background is electronics, 22 years of it, and I've built a few computers. The biggest issue with building one is getting components that work well together, and that isn't the easiest thing to figure out. For people new to the game my recommendation is to take your time and make sure you know exactly where you rmoney is going. However if putting something together and taking it back apart is not your strong suit I'd recommend sticking to pre-built. You'll probably save yourself a lot of headaches in the end.
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