According to Steam, I have over 100 hours logged playing NV. It sure didn't feel that way at first, but now... I simply cannot start yet another game. I am just to afraid that the time I spend, will get me bugged, stuck or wiped.
Please understand. I want to play. I am enjoying the game immensly. I am the kind of RPG player that takes his time, reads every bit of narrative, hunts, gathers, and gets immersed into the world. I have no dire need to finish the MQ straight away and enjoy the little things like evirons, time transistions and RP. So for me the time so far spent is not important. BUT. What IS important, is knowing that all this invested time actually leads to a fulfilling conclusion. And so far its been heartbreaking.
I play on PC. I am trying my hardest to play an un modded or "community fixed" game.
1. First play.. 30+ hours. Destroyed by save game problems. (fixed after patch)
2. Second play.. 30+ hours. Destroyed by corrupted Save games. (still a persistent issue)
3. My last go. Not so many hours but simply cannot go any further due to quest bugs/limitations. Sherrif Mayers will not open dialogue once helping NCR to retake NCRCF. I want HIM to be sherrif of Primm. This one is new for me, as I didnt help NCR retake prison in my first two plays.
The bottom line. I am simply to afraid to start again knowing that with current bugs/Quest lines, its either going to get me stranded (Legion quests, Vegas quests and others), Corrupt my save games (Vault 3 issue), or simply be non-patch compatible when Obsid finally does fix the issues.
For me, NV is broken in the worst possible way. It breaks my INVESTED time. I can easily break past the immersion busters. Enemies getting stuck on terrain, Enemies you kill "falling" through the game world, Rad scorpion spawns in the center of Goodsprings. Invisible walls. 1 Mile sniper shots criticals without VATS, Point blank misses with VATS and so on.
But when the game takes your hours of fun, exploration and RP and either destroys them.. or tells you.. sorry you cant go any further due to scripting mishaps. well... just to freaked out "get into" this game anymore.
Lastly: Where in the heck is the feedback? Why is there no response from Obsid or Beth acknowledging the issues and problems. I feel that nobody over there gives a toss and more importantly no motivation to pull the community together to help flush these issues out and get this stuff fixed. It has been seven long days since ANY word from Beth or Obsid directly related to the problems at hand. I expect more from this title.
today is my Bday. some gift.
to afraid to start over