» Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:43 pm
I open the pod, then I disconnect the interface, then for gratuitous fun, I destroy House's mortal shell in whatever way strikes me as "most fun" at the time. I don't talk to him. I imagine myself smiling at him just before destroying him.
What *I* wish is that we could take him off that contraption. And throw him off the edge of that walkway. Or hang him from one. Or call down some Legion boys, haul his ass to Cottonwood, and put him up on a cross for display. Or tie him to Ed-E with a long rope and drag his sorry ass through the Strip. Or bury him alive in the grave that was once mine. Drag him to Vault 34 and leave him for the Geckos. Or *into* Vault 34 and leave him for the ghouls. Stuff him in a radiation barrel and roll him off a hill. Drop him in a lake. Shoot him up with Med-X and take my sweet time dismembering him with a knife.
Frankly, I think the options to deal with House are too limited in the game.
If you can't tell, I don't like Mr. House very much.