The story had it's climix, that's for sure, a big ass robot shooting laz0rs all over the place, throwing mininukes like footballs at "the dirty communists" and then you either save the world or doom the world by inserting or not inserting the FEV at the end.
And show your true colors, are you a hero, willing to sacrifice your own life for the greater good?
Or will you be a complete dike and send in the girl.
The story had it's certain points.
Thing is, to me it was too black and white.
It was always "be goody goody two shoes" or "be EVIL MUHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!".
So I can understand why some like it more, because it has that more "epic" feel to it with the whole "saving the world" thing.
But we've had it in 4 games already, was nice with something different and fresh.
I agree. Some people are going to be wowed by the huge set pieces in Fallout 3. I have to admit watching Liberty Prime stomp Enclave was kinda fun...even though I could have handled all of them myself with one arm tied behind my back...the giant robot was total overkill.

I get the feeling that there are two types of players when it comes to game stories: the type that enjoys being pulled along for the ride like they're watching an incredibly epic movie with mini-games between scenes and the type that wants the story to be an interactive experience and cares more about nuance and subtlety than big set pieces and shock n' awe. I fall into the latter category, so NV's story is more to my liking. I've played sooooooo many games over 26 years of gaming that I've had enough of the spoon-fed, mostly static stories. I like to see my choices have an RPGs especially. I personally think that the next big step in gaming isn't going to be more and more photo-realistic graphics, but stories that adapt and environments that morph to the whim of the player. Until then it's just a prettier skin on pretty much the same static interactive movie over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I'll still play the games, but it doesn't give me that much more satisfaction than, say, watching a movie. Games with high levels of consequence of the player's action and interactivity interest me more than the next big graphics breakthrough or the next giant robot stompin'.
I love the game. I don't give a you-know-what about whether the graphics are up to 2010 standards, ...snip
I agree. The graphics are fine. In fact, what I'm tired of is playing the same game over and over with progressively better graphics. Soooooo boring. I'd like to see some other aspects of games evolve for a change. You'd think that games would be on a whole new level of interactivity by now since, say, Wolfenstein 3-D, but they're not. Most FPS games are essentially Wolfenstein 3-D with better graphics and
maybe vehicle combat if you're lucky. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but not by much. Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that people are willing to play the same games over and over as long as the graphics keep getting prettier, but as soon as a game adds some other type of depth without raising graphical fidelity tons of people complain that they didn't get their money's worth? Sorry, but that's baffling to me.
Anyway, it's to the point now that when I'm reading someone's critique of NV and they mention the graphics I just stop reading. Graphics are nice, sure, but I'm really sick of the obsession with them to the point that it seems like it's all that matters.